University District | ?m | ?s | University of Calgary Properties Group


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Sep 24, 2015
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UD Block Map.jpg
Post updated to better track the projects within the University District. I will update this post from time to time, when new projects are proposed, or the status of existing projects change.

1. ALT Hotel - Le Germain - Complete
SRC Thread for ALT Hotel

2. Argyle - Avi Urban - Complete
SRC Thread for Argyle

3. August - Avi Urban - Complete
SRC Thread for August

4. Cambridge Manor - Brenda Stratford Foundation - Complete
SRC Thread for Cambridge Manor

5. Capella - Brookfield Residential - Complete
SRC Thread for Capella

6. Ivy - Brookfield Residential - Complete
No Thread for this project

7. Esquire - Truman Homes - Complete
SRC Thread for Esquire

8. Maple - Truman Homes - Complete
SRC Thread for Maple

9. Noble - Truman Homes - Complete
SRC Thread for Noble

10. Aria - Gracorp Capital - Complete
SRC Thread for Aria

11.The Forge - Kanas Corporation - Complete
SRC Thread for The Forge

12. Block 23 - University of Calgary Properties Group - Complete
SRC Thread for Block 23

13. Dean's Landing - Rohit Group - Under Construction
SRC Thread for Deans Landing

14. Aria Encore - Gracorp Capital - Under Construction
SRC Thread for Aria Encore

15. Magna - Jayman Built - Under Construction
SRC Thread for project

16. Autumn - Homes by Avi - Under Construction
SRC Thread for project

17. RMH Expansion - RMHCC - Under Construction

18. Guild - Crystal Creek Homes - Under Construction
SRC Thread for the Guild

19. Block 22 - Gracorp Properties - Under Construction
SRC Thread for Block 22

20. Discover Self Storage - Proposed

21. Academy - Truman Homes - Proposed
SRC Thread for Academy
Last edited:
Three more retailers set to go into University District.

-Village Ice Cream
The Alley (Bubble Tea)
-Shopper's Drug Mart

I don't know which buildings.

Story here (though notably, not much more in the way of details):

Plus a neat flyover video in the story too.
Three more retailers set to go into University District.

-Village Ice Cream
The Alley (Bubble Tea)
-Shopper's Drug Mart

I don't know which buildings.
Village Ice Cream and The Alley are moving into Block 23. Shoppers is slated to move into Argyle, so it'll be a while yet. There's also a Staples coming to U/D slated for 2022.
I imagine it's just a matter of time before a coffee joint signs up somewhere in U/D.

I also imagine that the West Campus Dev. Trust is being pretty selective about *which* coffee shop they opt to go with. Remember that they are the curators of all of the retail in the UD and probably want a well known local brand (i.e. If it's not Analog it will be something similar).
I also imagine that the West Campus Dev. Trust is being pretty selective about *which* coffee shop they opt to go with. Remember that they are the curators of all of the retail in the UD and probably want a well known local brand (i.e. If it's not Analog it will be something similar).
That’s good to hear, but I hope they aren’t too selective. It’s nice to have great cafe brands, but sometimes it’s nice to let the market dictate to some degree.
I also imagine that the West Campus Dev. Trust is being pretty selective about *which* coffee shop they opt to go with. Remember that they are the curators of all of the retail in the UD and probably want a well known local brand (i.e. If it's not Analog it will be something similar).
I might catch some flak for saying this, but I would be okay with a non drive thru Tim Hortons.
