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Search results

  1. JTron

    Calgary's Downtown Dilemma

    If the city had to subsidize converting a couple of building conversions, I'd be okay with that. Make them into affordable housing, or some sort of student housing, etc.. Other uses such as educational facilities etc.. are also being considered.
  2. JTron

    Calgary's Downtown Dilemma

    They might eventually, fill up, or maybe not. It could go the other way. The problem with leaving it to happen naturally, is if there is even more decline, becomes a spiral of decline, that becomes difficult to turn around. You 'll end up spending that money or more in the end.
  3. JTron

    Calgary Retail Thread

    I haven't been to a Starbucks' in 2 or 3 years. I don't even know if the coffee's good or bad, only that whenever I see one it reminds of MacDonald's. The fact that so many of them have drive thru's doesn't help the image of it being a serious coffee place.
  4. JTron

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    As much as I dislike Corbiella and her sensationalizing at story to death, I am OK with the Dairy Queen going back in.
  5. JTron

    101 – 11th Avenue SE | 120.09m | 37s | Oxford Properties | Zeidler

    It’d be great if this was the one being developed, but my guess is Park Central.
  6. JTron

    Trees in Calgary

    Just green spaces and parks. Someone posted a number on SSP back in the day, might have been 5 Million for all trees total. I remember it as being around 5 trees per person....that was about 10 years ago.
  7. JTron

    Elva | 18m | 5s | Wexford Developments

    These guys aren't messing around.
  8. JTron

    BMO Centre Expansion | 25m | 5s | CMLC

    It would cost less to keep the station rather than tear down and someday if more development happens I could see it being more useful.. As a person who uses that line regularly, I would be okay with them dropping it. Most of the time the train stops there, the station is empty.
  9. JTron

    Eau Claire Market Redevelopment | 135.02m | 35s | Harvard Developments

    That would be awesome and logical.
  10. JTron

    Eau Claire Market Redevelopment | 135.02m | 35s | Harvard Developments

    I’d be okay with them holding off, we could see a redesign if do.
  11. JTron

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    I’m curious if the 5 people who voted no to the arena in this poll are still felling the same, Or if any of the people who voted yes, have changed their minds?
  12. JTron

    Infill Development Discussion

    Filler is a good description.
  13. JTron

    Water-cooler discussion thread

    I would also like to say thanks to both 1875 and Urban Warrior for their posts over the past few years. It’s the kind if thing that brings me to the site.
  14. JTron

    11th + 11th | 138.07m | 44s | Intergulf | Ramsay Worden

    Wow, still six floors to go. This is going to be one tall slender looking building.
  15. JTron

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    Most arenas don’t have vibrant street fronts or good street interaction,, but some do sn okay job of it. Little Cesars and Capital One have been mentioned. and I agree with those choices. Those are the best at street interaction IMO. A few years back I went to a concert at Madison Square...
  16. JTron

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    Do any arenas really have good street activation though?
  17. JTron

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    I was thinking the same thing.
  18. JTron

    Palliser One | 122m | 27s

    I can't be thankful enough for how this turned out. It was looking so dreadful in the renderings, but in reality is a pretty solid design. I like how the white stripes tend stand out at night even though they aren't lit.
  19. JTron

    Dominion | 53m | 15s | Bucci Developments | Urban Agency

    I must be into this building way too much. Most guys dream at night of sexy women, whereas I had a dream the other night, that I was peeling the plastic wrap off of the panels.
