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Search results

  1. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    Hi, So the 59th Flr got Poured! Guess When the 60th Flr Gets Completed it will B a Party of Sorts, by the End of the Month. When I See Edmonton Going Higher Up Flr Wise I have to wonder Who has the Advantages, Edmonton or Calgary. It used to B that Calgary had More to Offer. Looks like...
  2. Operater

    The Dorian | 98.45m | 27s | PBA Land Development | Gibbs Gage

    Hi, Its the Long Summer Wkd! Not sure is Anything Has Started - Yet, Its Month B 4 the Labour Day Wkd. If Nothing Happens Now, while I Could B Dead Wrong, I will Assume They Will Wait Till After Labour Day to really Get Started. Just Wondering to B fair. Tnx Operater.
  3. Operater

    1st St Chinatown Tower Development | ?m | 28s | El Condor Lands | Perkins + Will

    Hi, I've Heard of this Project Off/On etc. Haven't had a Chance to Follow it through as such. It Sure Looks like Quite the- Project for Chinatown.. In Looking Over the Posted Web Site as Such I take it a Lot of Thoughts, Designs has Gone into the Project. I Hope this Project Makes if through...
  4. Operater

    UPTEN | 121.91m | 37s | Strategic Group

    Hi, With Construction of the Parking Structure so far I was Wondering if a Birdie has Landed on the Site Yet. If Not It must B Flying Above Looking for a Spot to Land. Tnx, Operater.
  5. Operater

    Citizen Tower | 51m | 15s | Chelsea skys | Max Tayefi Architect

    Hi, If the Lots is NOW "For Sale" Does this Mean the Dvlpr Got say Cold Feet so is Selling Out? Tnx, Operater.
  6. Operater

    ALT Hotel | ?m | 11s | Groupe Germain | LEMAYMICHAUD

    Hi, The Outsides Look Great.B Interested to See the Insides Later. Tnx, Operater,
  7. Operater

    South Bank | ?m | 5s | Opus Corporation | Kasian

    Hi, When I Worked in Courier Land I Used to Hear the Name "Opus Corp" a Lot. I Believe they were in Knnsington. Not Sure Now. Its Been Years. Didn't Realize They were Sill Around.. Good to see they are still Doing the Good Quality Work they Always Did. Tnx, Operater,
  8. Operater

    ALT Hotel | ?m | 11s | Groupe Germain | LEMAYMICHAUD

    Hi, Om Passing Thoughts, Out of Town Business People Won't have far to Walk if Doing Business with the City, Interesting Tnx, Operater.
  9. Operater

    Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 42s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

    Hi, If Part of the Project is Being Scaled Back, will it B Blt at a Future Time? Tnx, Operater.
  10. Operater

    New Central Library | ?m | 6s | Calgary Library | Snøhetta

    Hi. Every time I Go through City Hall Interlocking on the Trains those Signals always tell a Story of Who got the Right of Way Under that New Library. Most Interesting Both North/South and East/West.. Tnx, Operater.
  11. Operater

    Dominion | 53m | 15s | Bucci Developments | Urban Agency

    Hi, Did Notice the Floor Differences, but didn't Give It a 2nd thought. Makes It Interesting. Tnx, Operater.
  12. Operater

    Calgary's Potential 2026 Winter Olympic Bid

    Hi, It will B Interesting to See Just What Happens. Reasons? There will B a Federal Election Plus a Provincial Election in 2019. Its My Bet that U C P will take Alberta. Who Takes CANADA? Don't Know. B NICE if It was the Conservatives. If Neither Party Wants to Spend $100s of Millions on the...
  13. Operater

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Hi, I will B most Interested to see Who Calgary Goes with Car Wise. I HOPE it will B with the Company that has Blt the Other Cars over the Years. Tnx, Operater.
  14. Operater

    INK | 53.03m | 14s | Battistella | S2 Architecture

    Hi, Battistella Dvlpmnts has Been in Business Since the 80s if I'm Correct. Have Known Paul, His Brother and Their Mom for a Long, Long Time when I worked Courier Land. Their Projects might NOT B the Biggest in Town, but I have Always Liked Their Can Do Approach to Projects. This is One of...
  15. Operater

    ALT Hotel | ?m | 11s | Groupe Germain | LEMAYMICHAUD

    Hi, Have to Say, Lookin Good. This Project is turning Out Better then 1st thought. Not sure if They have Other Projects in Line for Calgary - the South or Places Near the Birdie Port etc, but if so Hoping whatever gets Blt will B just as Good. Tnx, Operater.
  16. Operater

    Calgary Cancer Centre | 75m | 14s | Province of Alberta | Stantec

    Hi, The Reason I was Wondering About this Site is that I am Seeing Projects/Programs being Shut Down Big Time in Ontario by "Ford Nation". As I see It, We Need This Project in Southern Alberta. Tnx, Operater.
  17. Operater

    Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 42s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

    Hi, Noticed Something Interesting in Terms of Commercial. NO Piggy Banks.. For an Areas that will have a Lot People Living In, in the Next Few Years, I would assume that a Bank would want to Have a Small Branch of Sorts to do Business, Loans and what Have You. Could B a Kosik of Sorts in the...
  18. Operater

    The Hat Elbow River | 177.99m | 56s | Cidex Group | NORR

    Hi, Lets See - 56 Flrs Up, REAL HIGH, My, My, Just Where Will It B in Relation to the Elbow, Mac Leod Tr., and What ever cross St, if One. There are Also the 3/4 Bldgs that will B Going Up in the Areas North of 25th Ave in the Next few Years as Well, Funny as it sounds now, but I never Dreamed...
  19. Operater

    UPTEN | 121.91m | 37s | Strategic Group

    Hi, I DON'T get Out Much due to Medical Issues, but Its Been Years Since I Went by the Site. The Closet I Ever Got to the Site was 315 10th Ave S.E. where the City had I Believe Youth Offices for Job Training etc. Not Sure what is There Now but I Remember the City had Concerns as the Place...
  20. Operater

    The Dorian | 98.45m | 27s | PBA Land Development | Gibbs Gage

    Hi, I Hope to Get Out this Wkd if All Goes Well. I Want to View This as a Site to Look Over. Not sure if Work has Started but Worth a Look See.. Tnx, Operater.
