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Search results

  1. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    Hi, This Project maybe behind schedule but I figure it will still B Worth While in a few months when its Mostly Closed In. Interesting to say the Least. Tnx, Oerater.
  2. Operater

    BLVD Beltline | 118.87m | 37s | ONE Properties | Arquitectonica

    Hi, Passing thoughts. B Interesting if the Land between 12/Macleod down to say17/Macleod were to Qualify as T O D. I wonder if it would have an Impact on Developement in the Areas. Tnx, Operater.
  3. Operater

    M2 Block | ?m | 4s | XYC | Riddell Kurczaba

    Hi Guys, Thanks for the Updates about what M 2 is All About. Its Been my Views that an Area with a Lot of New Residential etc needs to have some Commercial/Retail to Make an Area Viable and a Going Concern. You need Things Like Dr's Offices, Dentists, Small Lawyers, a Kosik Bank or Two and What...
  4. Operater

    ALT Hotel | ?m | 11s | Groupe Germain | LEMAYMICHAUD

    Hi, Passing Thoughts. Its my views that ALT Hotel will have a bit more to Celebrate. If the Outside is very good, they will have a lot to B proud of to show off on the Inside as Well. Hoping Inside shots will prove Us Right. Tnx, Operater.
  5. Operater

    ALT Hotel | ?m | 11s | Groupe Germain | LEMAYMICHAUD

    Hi, Anyone know when the "Official Opening" is yet. Figure it shout B within a Year or so. Tnx, Operater.
  6. Operater

    Calgary Stadiums and Arenas

    Hi, I don't denie the fact that We Need NEW FACILITIES. Yes some places are living out their Last Years really. Yet at the same time I can't Fault the Flames Groups for wanting as much as Possible in One Central Location Makes Economic Sense yet if it Saves Money its Well Worth It.. There is...
  7. Operater

    Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 42s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

    Hi, I see comments about a Project called "M2". What is that all about? Tnx, Operater.
  8. Operater

    Calgary's Beltline

    Hi, Interesting Pieces of Art Work!. Thanks to who ever posted it all. Tnx, Operater.
  9. Operater

    Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

    Hi Passing Thoughts. the City is to have a Vote of Sorts on the Olympics shortly. Lets have a 2nd Vote on Reduced Speed Limits. See what really Wins. Might not like the results but Its the Drivers/Voters who will make that Choice, NOT those in Politics Tnx, Operater.
  10. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    Hi, I will B most interested when the 60th Floor is completed.Guess it means the last of the roof top will B completed as a Section of sorts. Not sure of completion date but I think its close to a Yr behind Schedule. Guess it gives us something to b proud of later. Tnx, Operater.
  11. Operater

    Calgary's East Village

    Hi, Noticed these Coloured Container Boxes! Any special reasons why? Have to say they look nice. Tnx, Operater.
  12. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    Hi, Where are we Flr Wise? Must B near the top already. Tnx, Operater.
  13. Operater

    Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

    Hi, Lets see, 30 KPH on City Streets? TNX but NO TNX. as I see it, 50 KPH is a Standard on most City Roads/Streets. I'll stick with what is Tried & True Thank You. I don't drive due to Medical but I came away with the feelings that most drivers are quite happy with the Status Quoe etc To tell...
  14. Operater

    PLATFORM | 21m | 6s | CMLC | Kasian

    Hi, This project looks to B interesting in its Own Right. True its only a parking structure but lets hope it encourages Quality Projects in the areas. Tnx, Operater.
  15. Operater

    South Bank | ?m | 5s | Opus Corporation | Kasian

    Hi, The Quality of these Projects leaves a good impression of the work done etc. Tnx, Operater,
  16. Operater

    Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 42s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

    Hi. Hoiping the Project will B able to get a boost and start construction on the top Tnx, Operater,
  17. Operater

    Calgary Restaurant Thread

    Hi, When I 1st came out here Perter's was a well known place and that was 40 Yrs ago. How long have they been in Business? Tnx, Operater.
  18. Operater

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Hi, I Have Heard Stories over the Years about the Now Red Line going Under 8th Ave. S.W. If I am Correct the is a Provision for a Station at the Husky Towers as Well. I have No Ideas of How far West this Line Would Go. +nder
  19. Operater

    11th + 11th | 138.07m | 44s | Intergulf | Ramsay Worden

    Hi, Questions. These Drills on Site Verses the Pile Drivers. Just what Goes in after Drilling? I See the H Beams Being Pounded into the Ground etc, on Various Sites. Trust Its not a Dumb Questions. Tnx, Operater.
  20. Operater

    NUDE | 63.4m | 18s | Battistella | S2

    Hi, So Sales Marketing has Started. If Sales go well, Hopefully We can See Shovels in the Ground sooner then Expected. I Wish these guys all the Best. Tnx, Operater.
