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Search results

  1. AJX

    Calgary’s lack of innovative and diverse options led me to search elsewhere for the city life I wanted

    I hate to paint everyone from a city with one brush, but those are my observations too. I’m sure Vancouver has good people, but it definitely has a higher than normal amount of asshats.
  2. AJX

    Calgary’s lack of innovative and diverse options led me to search elsewhere for the city life I wanted

    I’ve never considered something like the dating pool for homosexuals factoring into Calgary as a place to live, but it makes sense. For years homosexuals have gravitated to Vancouver or Toronto, not to mention those cities having larger populations to begin with.
  3. AJX

    NUDE | 63.4m | 18s | Battistella | S2

    I have to log into the site more often, I didn’t even know this one was under construction! This’ll be a nice addition to the beltline, glad it’s going ahead.
  4. AJX

    Lynbrooke Manor | 18.9m | 6s | Western Securities | Hindle Architects

    It’s too bad they had to change the design, I really like the original one.
  5. AJX

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    There are people with worse takes, but I find myself doing a lot of eye rolls whenever I read something of his. I don’t have anything against him personally, but CBC and Herald need to get off their lazy stale asses and find somebody fresh.
  6. AJX

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Late reply here. I believe it’s a company called Turbulent Architecture
  7. AJX

    General Construction Updates

    It’s called TheMartel.
  8. AJX

    Bridgeland 515 | 20m | 6s | Kanas

    I love this type of development, and would like to see more of these in and around Bridgeland on the hillsides.
  9. AJX

    Russia/Ukraine Conflict

    I’m not up to speed on the history of the conflict. What happened seven years ago that, And what could the western countries have done differently over the past seven years?
  10. AJX

    West District | ?m | ?s | Truman

    The photos are showing up now.
  11. AJX

    Glenbow Museum | 43m | 9s | DIALOG

    Shaw Shmaw , I’m going to continue to call it the Glenbow.
  12. AJX

    Calgary Flames Official Thread

    Can the Flames tie s club record 10 in a row? I wish they weren’t playing the Jets, we seem to struggle against them.
  13. AJX

    11th + 11th | 138.07m | 44s | Intergulf | Ramsay Worden

    Awesome pics 👍
  14. AJX

    Frontier | 30m | 8s | Truman | S2

    It would be great to see that empty lot go away and add some good retail to Kensington Road at the same time.
  15. AJX

    Canada Men's Soccer

    If Canada can get into the World Cup for 2022, they’ll also be in the next World Cup as a host. Having two appearances in a row might make a big difference, especially if we can get a win or have a couple of draws or something like that. Some of the players we have, Davies, David, Eustaquiao to...
  16. AJX

    Canada Men's Soccer

    In my lifetime I’ve never experienced Canada being in a World Cup or close to it. This is exciting.
  17. AJX


    I heard there were over 13,000 cases in Quebec yesterday. After seeing how busy the malls and restaurants were, Alberta's numbers will soon be up there with Quebec's.
  18. AJX

    Alberta Provincial Politics

    Oh and for those who might appreciate some levity and something to smile about -
  19. AJX

    Alberta Provincial Politics

    As strange as it sounds, it's true. People (within the UCP and a large portion of the public) want Kenny to resign, but to be honest I hope he stays in at least until the next election. If he resigns we'll end up with a former wild rose person leading the charge, and things could really get ugly...
  20. AJX

    Alberta Provincial Politics

    Shandro's gone, everything's great now, and we'll be rid of covid in no time lol. Kenny and the UCPs have become such a joke.
