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Search results

  1. Zoom

    4th Street Lofts | 115m | 29s | Western Securities | Gibbs Gage

    You can just feel the momentum these days.
  2. Zoom

    Codetta | 13.41m | 4s | Eagle Crest | FAAS Architecture

    20th ave has a few land use applications for larger multifamily. 20th ave will see these kinds of developments in the future.
  3. Zoom

    BTYYC | 24m | 6s | Eagle Crest | Davignon Martin

    Hopefully these guys can pull it off and not get half way through before realizing they're in over their heads.
  4. Zoom

    General Construction Updates

    Those painted chevrons are nothing more than a waste of white paint. The ones with the solid painted white lanes are better, but so far from my own experience, physically separated lanes are far and away the best way to do it.
  5. Zoom

    Weather and Gardening Discussion

    Cannabis Kush Tomatosis lol.
  6. Zoom


    Alberta ranks third among provinces when it comes to High School graduation levels at 89.9%, just slightly behind BC 91.4%, and Ontario 90.6% The rest of the provinces in Canada are a fair bit lower, especially the Maritime provinces. The booming economy from 2004 to 2015 put a damper on high...
  7. Zoom

    Courtyard 33 | 21.64m | 6s | RNDSQR | 5468796 Architecture

    If the paneling covering the courtyard entrance was recessed by 1' that would also make a difference. It would highlight the entrance to the courtyard.
  8. Zoom

    The Giordano | 17.68m | 5s | Brava Developments | Casola Koppe

    I'm okay with trees doing better than the lawn. Lawn's are an easier fix than trees.
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    Park Central | 138m | 40s | Hines | S.C.B.

    Love that second shot of Park Central.
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    11th + 11th | 138.07m | 44s | Intergulf | Ramsay Worden

    After people have moved in, first hot day like today and people will know if there's AC or not.
  11. Zoom

    West Village Towers | 149.95m | 42s | Cidex Group | NORR Dubai Yahya Jan

    Tagline: Woman spots spider on walking path
  12. Zoom

    Brookfield Place | 246.88m | 56s | AFK

    What a beautiful closeup of the crown.
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    11th + 11th | 138.07m | 44s | Intergulf | Ramsay Worden

    Calgary doesn't get super hot like some places, but depending on your setup, you could easily need AC. All you need is a day above normal room temp that's clear and sunny and your two storey home, or apartment with lots of glass can get hot very easily. My old house was a standard two storey...
  14. Zoom

    Dominion | 53m | 15s | Bucci Developments | Urban Agency

    A crowd of developers are hanging around in a group when someone yells "is anyone here a cladding expert" Bucci look at the other developers and says "hold my beer"
  15. Zoom

    19+2 | 16m | 5s | EC Living | FAAS Architecture

    My guess is the upper floors are going prefab like The 5th, and they are waiting for the supplier to catch up.
  16. Zoom

    Sunalta Heights | 88.39m | 27s | Housing One | S2

    Good to see excavation underway. I envy those LRT commuters who get a bird's eye view of the action.
  17. Zoom

    Bow33 | 22m | 6s | Truman | NORR

    It would be so nice if they could get rid of the poles. I wish the city would work out a plan with developers where they split the cost of burying the poles, kind of like a local improvement tax. The city pays for the pole buried up front, and then 50% of the cost is put to the property taxes...
  18. Zoom

    General Construction Updates

    The burbs always get these kinds of facilities, but in all fairness, the burbs have large populations of families and children, and that's what drives these rec centres. Inner city used to be decently represented with the Respol centre, Eau Claire Y, and the Y on 11th ave. With the Eau Claire Y...
  19. Zoom

    General Construction Updates

    They did. Not sure when, or what the deal is, but Vivo was formerly Cardel Place.
  20. Zoom

    The Bridge | 52.42m | 16s | Jemm Properties | Zeidler

    Everything is coming together well in Bridgeland. My brother hadn't been in Bridgeland since he lived there 10 years ago, I took my brother through the neighborhood back in September, and he was blown away by how much it's changed. He's going to be blown away again, the next time he comes I...
