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Search results

  1. K

    The Hat Elbow River | 177.99m | 56s | Cidex Group | NORR

    Reading through the comments, a couple of them caught my eye. The idea of having strong density, but not taller than say 10 floors like many cities in Europe sounds great. I think the problem may be that since those places were built, we have figured out how to build higher and have cars. Low...
  2. K

    West Nineteenth | 24m | 6s | EC Living | Casola Koppe

    Great addition! I live a couple of blocks away and this is something that the area needs. I'm sure many people around here may visit on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon and see a fairly busy area, but stop by on a Wednesday afternoon and it's pretty dead. The extra daytime traffic will help the...
  3. K

    Infill Development Discussion

    I actually think that the downturn since 2014 will end up being a positive for the city. We are likely seeing more infill development in areas like Bridge land, Kensington, inglewood and Marda Loop. Developers are comfortable that they can sell 90 units in these neighborhoods, but not 250 in...
  4. K

    Unbuilt Projects

    Those resorts would have been awesome. Imagine having resorts similar to Kicking Horse and Revelstoke closer to Calgary in addition to what we have. Put those here and I almost guarantee that we see more direct flights from Asia and Europe....sure most will just get on the highway to the...
  5. K

    Urban Multi-Family Construction Count Tracker

    Yes, I live in West Hillhurst and even in my SFH area, we are seeing 4 townhouses on corner lots, the potential CBC redevelopment and of course things happening on 19 Street....hopefully we can see more of those tiny old war-time homes on 19th turn into 4 to 8 level buildings along with the...
  6. K

    Urban Multi-Family Construction Count Tracker

    This is exciting! With 6000 units under construction in inner-city areas, that is probably 9000 residents. It doesn't take a lot of years at this pace to see our inner-city communities become much more interesting in terms of density. Just thinking about an extra 30 000 people from Mission...
  7. K

    The Dorian | 98.45m | 27s | PBA Land Development | Gibbs Gage

    Any chance those white squares will be illuminated?
  8. K

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    A few have made comments about just the office part being built (assuming they have a tenant), but I think at least the rental apartments could be built, as it seems like developers just keep moving ahead with purpose built rental. The Condo may be a different story, but I could see that moving...
  9. K

    Calgary's Downtown Dilemma

    Hopefully we have reached bottom on vacancies and are going to start climbing out. There also seems to be a slight movement towards more residential in the DT, not game changing, but it helps. Reading through this thread, I have to agree with the idea of putting a focus on streets/avenues with...
  10. K

    Palliser One | 122m | 27s

    I could come up with a bad acronym or two. Just to add a little to the idea, I think that concentrating on one stretch would be the way to start. Perhaps the few that cross Stephen Ave as well as the ones crossing the Streets between 9th Ave and 7th Ave. This would allow people to walk Steven...
  11. K

    Palliser One | 122m | 27s

    I'm not familiar with the 707 to Watermark one and am fine with the Gulf to Penn one. I was thinking more along the lines of the LED wraps that are capable of showing images. Perhaps there could be some sort of interactive ones, others with music ser to the artistic images etc. Something like...
  12. K

    526 - 4th Ave | 112m | 32s | LaCaille Group | S2

    Hopefully this moves forward. Despite the huge amount of traffic, I think 4th Ave has some potential. There is already a decent amount of residential with enough empty lots to add more. There is the Westin and The Westley hotels that add some vibrancy as well as The Keg, Ceilis, Pig & Duke...
  13. K

    Palliser One | 122m | 27s

    On the topic of LED's, I would love to see +15's wrapped in LED's. It would add light and a feeling of safety to downtown to start with. Another big benefit would be that it makes the +15's a street level attraction, rather than drawing people off of the streets.
  14. K

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Oh, and I would say that if you own a condo, big appreciation is likely not happening....there are a 100 sites for new buildings....long term gold though.
  15. K

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I think we will see some big condo projects move forward next is growing here and there are rumors of Big Tech companies investing based on our insanely low taxes. The people that work for these companies will be fine with living in a high density area.
  16. K

    Archer | 17.98m | 5s | Truman | S2

    I feel like some of this mid rise stuff is a result of our downturn....developers hold off on the 30 to 40 floor condo projects, but that opens the door for some smaller ones in Kensington, Bridgeland etc because there is still a market, but not for 350 units in a single project.
  17. K

    Archer | 17.98m | 5s | Truman | S2

    Just drove by 15 minutes ago and there is excavation happening with a dump truck on site.
  18. K

    Plaza | 113.5m | 33s | Cantiro | GEC

    Hopefully something of this scale goes up, though I don't really like the design of the towers. I actually think that 4th Ave has some potential West of 1 ST SW, despite the high traffic volume. There is signage for residential on the small lot/Circle K to the NE of this proposal as well. A...
  19. K

    Fixing Calgary's Business District

    I love the idea of ACAD moving downtown to the old CBE location. Close to Bow Valley, potentially could take the old Central Library site too. Add in the new SAIT digital program that is taking the Odd Fellows building and there would be a lot of students in the area. Perhaps something where...
