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Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

Could it make sense to also include proximity to city centre as another input in the frontage tax? I can see pros/cons to it, but I think its another factor to smooth things out. Frontage/lot size alone don't necessarily scale to the roads/utilities in curvilinear neighbourhoods.
Would need provincial permission to do so.
I'm fine with a progressive tax even at a local even though as noted we already do this with provincial and federal tax. In essence the wealthy help subsidize local services like Calgary Transit, used to help those with less income, or shared use like parks and walkways etc..
However as I mentioned in my previous post, I'd like to see a hybrid tax model that also rewards development that helps fight sprawl. I think a hybrid of market value rate, combined with a frontage based rate is a reasonable way to go. No tax method, will be perfect, but this helps reward those living in smaller inner city units, while keeping the progressive system.
That’s looks fair to me. If not a change to the tax system, some other type of incentive is needed.
It’s great they were building piles of multi family in the new neighborhoods, and density is better than the previous suburbs, but it’s still sprawl and still adds to the city’s costs.
