Library Square | 21m | 6s | Bankside | LOLA

Turns out both Library Square DPs have been submitted, so that suggests they might try to build them both at once?
Yes, the release by CMLC states that the developer plans to start construction on both buildings in Q4 2025.
That's the existing basketball court, not the parking lot just to the NE of the Library.

Also how cool is the name Library Square!
Ah I must have misread what you said, yeah I think the NE parking lot will stick around. I hope to see at least some mobility improvements through that lot though, if we're gonna keep it. It's frustrating with the train station right there that it's not clear how you're supposed to walk through the area.
So this is the 2 lots directly east of the library?
Yep! Right here in yellow.

I put together a little video with @CT (Chinese_T) to help visualize the buildings in the area, given the little screenshots we have of the DP.

Love it! Thanks for the video. Once these are built that little parking lot on the north should get some attention. I’m perfectly fine not building anything on it and putting the basket court, water feature, and making a nice plaza out of it.
Yeah the parking lot doesn't need a building put on it (though I wouldn't be opposed...). It's a great spot for a permanent court or some other landscaped amenity type thing
Could be a good spot for a little park. Given the characters in the area it would likely only get used by a certain demographic though... lol
