In the months since our last update, significant progress has been made at the site of Concord Pacific's The Concord, currently on the rise in downtown Calgary. Recent photos in our Forum capture the installation of The Concord's crane base, as it occurred over a handful of days in late August.
The future site of a two-tower, 32,500-square-metre residential development designed by Arthur Erickson and Nick Milkovich Architects, the double-wide excavation site received its crane base during the final days of August. A major milestone in terms of construction progress, the long-anticipated arrival of the crane base signals the imminent rise of the 15- and 17-storey condo towers, which are set for completion in 2018.
Beyond the excitement garnered by the arrival of the crane base, the recent appearance of a mobile concrete pump, pictured below, is yet another clear sign of progress. Capable of delivering massive volumes of poured concrete to a site, the pump indicates that big changes are coming to the project, which will begin to rise in the weeks and months to come.
Viewed below, the mobile concrete pump can be seen in action, aiding in the shoring efforts now nearing completion. Once excavation is complete, it will not be long before the foundations are poured and the towers begin to take shape.
Once complete, The Concord will bring 218 luxury residential units to the scenic Eau Clair neighbourhood, which is located along the Bow River's sprawling waterfront. With penthouses set at $13 million CAD, The Concord will most certainly be aimed at the top end of Calgary's dowtown condo market, with the twin towers positioned as luxury living just steps from the heart of downtown, albeit within reach of the Bow River and adjacent parkland.
SkriseCities will be sure to return to this project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Database file and Forum thread, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.