More than two months since our last update, and progress at The Hat has moved ahead significantly. In particular, the recent addition of a large public art installation - in the form of a large metal top hat, no less - now graces the base of the tower. 

The Hat, public art installation, image by Forum contributor outoftheice

While online speculation on our Forum has been insatiable in terms of the possible origins of the "Hat" moniker that relates to this any many other Cidex Group projects in Calgary and Edmonton, this latest addition appears to be a nod towards the Hat theme. A large metal-framed hat, with a doodle of a hat upon it, sitting as it does, at the base of a tower called "The Hat," the sculpture is about as self-referential as one can get. 

The Hat, future site of public art, image by Forum contributor Surrealplaces

Contrasting the first image with a second (above), captured back in the summer, the future (present-day) home of the the hat within a hat at The Hat (cat optional), can be clearly made out. Whatever the inspiration, it would seem that both the developer and the creator of this piece are all equally in on a joke for which there appears to be no to little extraneous information upon. 

SkyriseCalgary will be sure to return to this project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Database file and Forum thread, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below. 

Related Companies:  NORR Architects & Engineers Limited