The multi-year, multi-phase MacKimmie Complex and Professional Faculties Building Redevelopment Project at the University of Calgary revealed its DIALOG-created design at an open house on March 28. Just days before, building crews began dismantling the precast concrete panels covering the MacKimmie Tower, which will soon also lose its roof to accommodate an extra two floors.
The redevelopment is meant to address deferred maintenance, enhance pedagogical and administrative environments, accommodate growth and strengthen sense of place. The finished development will provide support for 500 new full-load equivalent students by creating contemporary spaces for private and group study, classrooms, and centralized undergraduate and graduate student services. It will also serve as the home for the Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking.
The glazed MacKimmie Tower and its attached four-storey block will hoist a plane of photovoltaic panels on their roofs to capture sunlight. The block's northwest corner features a protruding boxed window effect that are extensions of atrium bridges inside. The protrusions are positioned at unorthodox angles to orient students towards views of the prairie horizon. A restoration of Swann Mall with additional trees lining open spaces and offering shade is also in the works.
Occupants are expected to begin moving into MacKimmie Tower in fall 2019. Redevelopment of the Professional Faculties Building will start in fall 2019 and continue through summer 2022.
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