A development permit application submitted by Casola Koppe Architects on behalf of Russell Real Estate Development for a Sunnyside site has been approved. The five-storey Glo by Russell Real Estate Development imagines 56 residential units for properties spanning 916-926 2 Avenue NW.

Glo, image via Casola Koppe Architects

The 16-metre-tall building requires a re-designation but does not require an amendment to the Hillhurst/Sunnyside Area Redevelopment Plan, as it complies with the height and floor area ratio prescriptions. 

Glo, image via Casola Koppe Architects

Graphics from an October 19 open house, posted online, detail a number of changes to the initial proposal that have been made in the wake up engagement with the City and the community. The new design includes increased articulation, changed rooflines, a massing rearrangement, upgrades to the pedestrian interface, privacy improvements, and landscaping upgrades. 

Original design for the proposal, image via Casola Koppe Architects

The altered design emphasizes the building articulation by employing lighter colours in balcony areas, which also reduces the visual impact of the structure. A warm-tone brick, wood-look soffit, and wood trellises reference the materials common of the homes in the neighbourhood. The original iteration had envisioned a darker brick on the lower floors of the mid-rise.

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