The Calgary Heritage Authority (CHA) advises city council on all matters related to heritage resources in the city. It examines potential heritage sites for addition to the Inventory of Evaluated Historic Resources and promotes the preservation and awareness of Calgary's heritage assets through several public education initiatives. The most celebratory affair of them all is the biannual Lion Awards, which recognizes the individuals and organizations that have supported heritage conservation in the city. This year, the CHA will salute winners in five categories, and the nomination process has officially opened.

CHA Lion Awards, image via City of Calgary

The Lion Awards have been held since 2006. In 2016, the Alberta Champions Society, the 1875 Fort Calgary Interpretive Exhibit, Hunt House and the Simmons Building were all bestowed honours. This year, nominees will contend in the following categories:

  • Resource Conservation
  • Community Vitalization
  • Landscape
  • Advocacy and Awareness
  • Heritage Trades and Crafts

City Hall, image by Flickr user Ricky Leong via Creative Commons

"Heritage is a stewardship," said writer and journalist Andrew Guilbert, who was awarded with an Advocacy and Awareness Award in recognition of his work with Avenue Calgary. "It's something we get to enjoy because our predecessors knew its value, and it's our responsibility to understand and share why that inheritance must be passed on after we're gone. To be recognized as one of the many people who understand that responsibility was a great honour, and gave me a sense of connection to something larger than myself."

Calgarians who know a project, person or group deserving of recognition are encouraged to submit an application by May 3, 2018 at 4 PM. The 2018 CHA Lion Awards will be held at the Palace Theatre on Thursday, August 2.