Solo on 4th | 16.76m | 5s | Indevelopments | Indevelopments

That MoDA concept was cool! I was indifferent about the current design, but now I hate it after seeing the MoDA rendering. Also, the name "The Block" suits the MoDA design so much better. Names that might suit the current design better: The Twinkie on 4th; The Banana on 4th, The Lemon on 4th, The Daisy on 4th; The White and Yellow Building on 4th.
I actually forgot about the MODA proposal. I was thinking back to my Skyscraper page forum days and there was a really funky proposal for this site that I think was being marketed as commercial condos. I wish I could dig up the renderings to show but that forum is a nightmare to navigate when you're trying to find one piece of info in the mega-threads.
I was driving by today and noticed that they had installed some charcoal coloured brick on the side of the building. It gives me hope that the podium is going to be decent. I also think the scale is going to be spot on for this location
