Senior Member
Granted, I don't follow this particular issue as closely as I did when the CalgaryNEXT proposal was still fresh in all our minds. However, this is the first I've heard of there being any kind of Plan B for the Flames organization. To be clear, there is no concretely available plan B, at least not publicly. And there may not even be one, but I'm glad to hear alternatives are being discussed.
I for one have gone from luke-warm in my reception of the original CalgaryNEXT proposal to loathing. The team's proposal would have been ghastly expensive and made a muck of transit. It just didn't seem like a proposal that had been worked on for 10 years. The uninspiring design, the creosote issue and tone-deaf pitch by the Flames and the League have made an outright hater of me. I had taken to calling it the "Translucent Buttocks" whenever it came up in conversation. So I'm quite happy to hear that other options are being discussed even if they're only theoretical at best.
And since we're operating in the nebulous realm of "theoretical at best" we're free to apply a little imagination. Here's what I'd do if I were in charge of planning the future of the Flames et al. I'd probably preserve the Saddledome as the home of the Calgary Flames. Yes, it's by a floody river. Yes, it has a crazy roof. But the river wasn't that floody until recently and the crazy roof is one our city's best land marks. I'm sure there are many ways the interior could be reworked to make room for Ken King's precious revenue generating premium seating. It isn't like they don't charge us premium prices for the non-premium seating as it is.
At the same time, if they actually wanted to improve the fan experience. All they'd really have to do is add more bathrooms, widen the concourse as it narrows around the ends of the rink and improve the access to the upper levels. It would maybe be nice to touch up some of the bald concrete while they're at it. The exterior needs new cladding and the entrances could be improved along with them. Getting rid of all that corrugated steel is a must.
It isn't all bad for the Dome though. I've always loved the really high ceilings over the main parts of the concourse. It's also got lots of Olympic and pro-sports history and it's location will, in the not too distant future, be near both the Red and Green lines. If properly planned in conjunction with the BMO Centre upgrades then I'm sure access to the Victoria Park station will be greatly improved as well.
I only really care about the sports. Music is a great passion of mine, but if the roof of the Dome is holding up too many concerts, then maybe people should look at a separate 10,000-ish seater venue with concerts in mind. You could call it the New Corral, since the old one is kaput. And the Flames could have some place to play if and when the ever constructed a new venue on the site of the Dome. Heck maybe we could even use that second stadium as a dedicated home for the Hitmen, the Heat or some other team playing a sport other than hockey. Those exist... I hear.
As for McMahon. Tear that sucker down and rebuild anew on the same site. The concourses are rough to say the least and provides no shelter in the devastating cold of late season. I'd like to see something with similar capacity. The current standard capacity is around 35 thousand. If they kept with that number and made it expandable to 40 or even 50 thousand it would be a great venue for Grey Cups and if the rumours are true Olympic Ceremonies and World Cup Matches. Hopefully rebuilding McMahon might also catalyse the rejuvenation of the area. Motel Village and the area around Burns Stadium and Norma Bush Arena are in need of a rethink.
All of that would probably come under the preposterous $890M proposed by the team. It wouldn't involve rushing expensive creosote remediation or destroying the traffic flows into downtown from Bow and Crowchild Trails. it would also leave the WV in the patient and capable hands of the CMLC.
Granted, I don't follow this particular issue as closely as I did when the CalgaryNEXT proposal was still fresh in all our minds. However, this is the first I've heard of there being any kind of Plan B for the Flames organization. To be clear, there is no concretely available plan B, at least not publicly. And there may not even be one, but I'm glad to hear alternatives are being discussed.
I for one have gone from luke-warm in my reception of the original CalgaryNEXT proposal to loathing. The team's proposal would have been ghastly expensive and made a muck of transit. It just didn't seem like a proposal that had been worked on for 10 years. The uninspiring design, the creosote issue and tone-deaf pitch by the Flames and the League have made an outright hater of me. I had taken to calling it the "Translucent Buttocks" whenever it came up in conversation. So I'm quite happy to hear that other options are being discussed even if they're only theoretical at best.
And since we're operating in the nebulous realm of "theoretical at best" we're free to apply a little imagination. Here's what I'd do if I were in charge of planning the future of the Flames et al. I'd probably preserve the Saddledome as the home of the Calgary Flames. Yes, it's by a floody river. Yes, it has a crazy roof. But the river wasn't that floody until recently and the crazy roof is one our city's best land marks. I'm sure there are many ways the interior could be reworked to make room for Ken King's precious revenue generating premium seating. It isn't like they don't charge us premium prices for the non-premium seating as it is.
At the same time, if they actually wanted to improve the fan experience. All they'd really have to do is add more bathrooms, widen the concourse as it narrows around the ends of the rink and improve the access to the upper levels. It would maybe be nice to touch up some of the bald concrete while they're at it. The exterior needs new cladding and the entrances could be improved along with them. Getting rid of all that corrugated steel is a must.
It isn't all bad for the Dome though. I've always loved the really high ceilings over the main parts of the concourse. It's also got lots of Olympic and pro-sports history and it's location will, in the not too distant future, be near both the Red and Green lines. If properly planned in conjunction with the BMO Centre upgrades then I'm sure access to the Victoria Park station will be greatly improved as well.
I only really care about the sports. Music is a great passion of mine, but if the roof of the Dome is holding up too many concerts, then maybe people should look at a separate 10,000-ish seater venue with concerts in mind. You could call it the New Corral, since the old one is kaput. And the Flames could have some place to play if and when the ever constructed a new venue on the site of the Dome. Heck maybe we could even use that second stadium as a dedicated home for the Hitmen, the Heat or some other team playing a sport other than hockey. Those exist... I hear.
As for McMahon. Tear that sucker down and rebuild anew on the same site. The concourses are rough to say the least and provides no shelter in the devastating cold of late season. I'd like to see something with similar capacity. The current standard capacity is around 35 thousand. If they kept with that number and made it expandable to 40 or even 50 thousand it would be a great venue for Grey Cups and if the rumours are true Olympic Ceremonies and World Cup Matches. Hopefully rebuilding McMahon might also catalyse the rejuvenation of the area. Motel Village and the area around Burns Stadium and Norma Bush Arena are in need of a rethink.
All of that would probably come under the preposterous $890M proposed by the team. It wouldn't involve rushing expensive creosote remediation or destroying the traffic flows into downtown from Bow and Crowchild Trails. it would also leave the WV in the patient and capable hands of the CMLC.