Broadway on 17th | 164m | 46s | Vesta | Zeidler

General Rating of the Project

  • Great

    Votes: 25 39.1%
  • Very Good

    Votes: 27 42.2%
  • Good

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • So So

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Not Very Good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Hi Group,
Hey! That Bldg at 1520 4th St. S W. Has It and the Rest of the Block Been 'Bought Out"? For 2 Towers to Go Up Would Mean Something has to Change. 1520 4th St is What 12 Floors and Mostly Provincial Gvmnt Depts. Been Like That for Close to 30 Yrs or So, Based on My Courier Days in D.T., Beltline/Mission. If Its Been Sold, I Would B Interested to Where They All Go to. Comments Anyone?

Hi Group,

I Took Another HARD LOOK at the Photo at the Beginning of this Topic and the Herald Article as Well. I Disagree With Both for Several Reasons - Honestly. Here is Why.
OK the Sony Bldg as Such is at 14th Ave.,/4th St. S,W. - West Side S.W. Corner. It Used to B a "Safeway Store" Years Ago. Safeway Closed the Location and Built a Store at 11/8 St. SW and Later Expanded Across the Alleyway to the 12 Ave Side. Sony Moved into the Old Safeway Store at 14/4 St S W. They Were There for Years and Shut Down the
Location Within the Last 5 Years. If GROSVENOR Has Bought the Sony Store Location for the Figures Mentioned, It HAS to B a Seperate Transaction. The Pictures in the
Thread Show TWO TOWERS on The EAST Side of 4th St. S.W. Correct.
OK I Took a Serious Look at the Two Towers in the Picture, from South to North West. OK the 1st Tower is One Bldg at 1520 4th St Will Stay and Get Referbashed to Something Else as It Looks to Me. The Two Towers on the East Side of 4th St. S.W. are at 4th St./15th Ave., S.W. (East). The 2nd Tower Will B Further East on 15th Ave. S.W. How do I Know? Well the Street at the Bottom of the Picture is 17th Ave. S.W. The Street to the Right is 2nd St. S.W. I am WELL Familiar With the Bldgs at the
Bottom of the Pictures from When I Worked in Courier Land. 27 Years Says a Lot. Hope This Clears Up a Lot in the Pictures.

Thanks for posting that Evolv. I've been wondering what the chosen design wold look like. Definitely more on the conservative side.



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How disappointing, but excellent to see it has launched.
Hi Group,

Back to This Grosvenor Project. OK if the Project Office as I Assume it Will B is at 1405 4th St. S.W. Then I Was Correct to Say it WAS a Seperrate Transaction From the Land Acquired on the East Side of 4th St. S.W. For References I'll Go by Pictures of the Project at the Top of This Thread. In That Picture There is a Light Grey Bldg 3 Floors Up to the East the 1520 4th St Bldg. Bottom Left on 17th Ave S,W. in that Picture. It Used to House Various Alberta Health Offices. Been to that Bldg Lots of Times, so I Know. OK. Questions on the Projects? Will that 3 Story Bldg B Coming Out as Well? As Far as I Know the Cluster of Bldgs at 17/2 St. S. W. Stay for Now. 2nd St. is to Right in that Pictures.
In This so Called New Picture the 1520 4th St Bldgs Looks to B Demolished and a New 10 Flr Bldgs Goes Up to the East etc. I Will Assume the Two Towers are Redesigned as Well. Some How I Liked the Original Design Better. (1 Bldg at 15/4 St. SW, the 2nd Tower is East on 15th Ave. S.W.,)
I HOPE Someone Will Have a Chance to GO to the "Open House". I Would Like to See MORE Pictures of the Other Bldgs so as to Have a Better Understanding of How the Block of Bldgs Will
Look if a Final Design is Built - NOT One Now and a 2nd Tower Years Later, If There is a Web Site I'd Like to Ask These Questions.
I'd B Interested in Following This if the Conditions are Right.

How disappointing, but excellent to see it has launched.

I wouldn't call it a launch unless I misunderstood your meaning of it. Appears to me they are just asking for public input on the proposed plan.

The Moda design was unrealistic. It was never going to happen.

This building designs and masterplan is on the bland side.
I wouldn't call it a launch unless I misunderstood your meaning of it. Appears to me they are just asking for public input on the proposed plan.

The Moda design was unrealistic. It was never going to happen.

This building designs and masterplan is on the bland side.
The meaning of launch is open to interpretation. It is an open house, but in a way it's also a launch. Putting the website on the Internet could also be a launch, same for ground breaking. I'm happy to see that they are working on the site in any capacity, it tells me the project is still at least progressing.

What makes you say the Moda design was unrealistic? It had lots of flare, but I don't see anything that looks unworkable or unrealistic.
It's too bad about the change in design, the older design would've been a bar riaser for Calgary. This is an improvement from what's there a now at least, and it's good to know this project hasn't been shelved altogther.
