Broadway on 17th | 164m | 46s | Vesta | Zeidler

General Rating of the Project

  • Great

    Votes: 25 39.1%
  • Very Good

    Votes: 27 42.2%
  • Good

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • So So

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Not Very Good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
They managed more open space than I was expecting with three towers.

Edit ... oh, there's no sidewalks. It's plausible. Having no sidewalks does make the open private space appear larger
Where in those renders do you not see sidewalks? 😂
Where in those renders do you not see sidewalks? 😂
It's three tall towers and, while we don''t have an overall impression, the density and height stats are akin to (suburban) Vancouver and Toronto. The open spaces in all facets are paramount.

The point is that the private open space is smaller than it is in the rendering. It doesn't matter if it turns out like the render porn. Three storeys of structural glazing is $$$$. With that in mind, developers have a history in separating public space (like sidewalks) from the privately owned public space (POPS) which will give this a drastically different look.
It's three tall towers and, while we don''t have an overall impression, the density and height stats are akin to (suburban) Vancouver and Toronto. The open spaces in all facets are paramount.

The point is that the private open space is smaller than it is in the rendering. It doesn't matter if it turns out like the render porn. Three storeys of structural glazing is $$$$. With that in mind, developers have a history in separating public space (like sidewalks) from the privately owned public space (POPS) which will give this a drastically different look.

I love the rendering, wish it will happen. However, For how shiny it is, it’s also light on details on the overall site design and circulation. Countless Toronto projects have started similar and ended somewhere more meh (although, notably a Toronto “meh” is typically far better than the average pedestrian-centric design here).

I love the ambition though! Clearly they understand and are confident this is the ground-zero site for urban Calgary. I hope it something works out close to the render.

Will need more details before making an official call on this one.
Interesting that they're primarily coming at it from showing off the podium and only the podium. They understand it isn't really about the towers at this point.
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O2 (the consultant leading the Land Use redesignation on this one) is really pushing the envelope on density in Calgary, and I'm happy to see it. They received approval for what will be the tallest building in Kensington with Jemm's "Kit at Kensington", they got a redesignation through at Centre St and 16th for development up to 30 floors (which unfortunately has been downgraded to an ugly 6 storey building in the current DP submission) and now are pushing what would be the tallest building in Beltline (for now) on 17th.
