Tables started to be moved up today for L40 Slab, this is a 14" transfer slab, 30% thicker then the normal slab requires extra shoring down the tower to support the weight,
there is three full slabs left L40, L41 & L42(roof)
I know my opinion may be very unpopular but something about this tower is very unappealing to me. I don’t know if it’s the choice of materials, stale design, or the colour but something just doesn’t fit right. I understand it’s a rental but IMO the tower has a very subpar look when compared to what Embassy Bosa is capable of doing. I definitely prefer their other project in East Village and The Royal in the Beltline. Maybe I just had high expectations.
Aside from that, 0 complaints against the function and boosted density we’re about to get from this development. Keep them coming!
The neighbourhood is looking at a population increase of about 500 from this tower alone. That equals over 10% community population growth from 1 project.