Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 41s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

General rating of the project

  • Great

    Votes: 9 9.6%
  • Very good

    Votes: 45 47.9%
  • Good

    Votes: 29 30.9%
  • So So

    Votes: 7 7.4%
  • Not Very Good

    Votes: 3 3.2%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 1 1.1%

  • Total voters
Of all the projects around downtown and Beltline this one has flown under the radar the most.

Which is odd, cause it is literally an entire city block and is the largest single development currently under construction in the inner city, at least in floor plate.
Which is odd, cause it is literally an entire city block and is the largest single development currently under construction in the inner city, at least in floor plate.

I think it's because the progress has been slow and the towers are probably not going ahead. I can hardly wait for the grocery store to open!
what do you mean the towers are not going ahead?

I think SJ just means that the towers probably are just not going ahead upon completion of the podium, until sales targets are reached.
Which is odd, cause it is literally an entire city block and is the largest single development currently under construction in the inner city, at least in floor plate.

Plus it is in a pretty prominent location being right by one of the main exit points of downtown. It will be noticeable along Memorial and Edmonton Trail especially for its height. I hope it turns out well because it would be a big boost to the skyline if it does.
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Hi Grou
We can Disagree and that's OK, but I WANT to take a More POSITIVE Outlook on these Projects. As some one stated on a Topic a while back "What do the Dvlprs Know that We don't know etc," Well it My Views the Dvlprs have a MORE Positive Out Look in the Long Term. If Not they would not B Bldg in the 1st Place. They have Financing in Place which is a Good Sign, The Interest is There as Well. Consumer Condidence is UP and a Provincial Election is Just Around the Corner,That By Election on the 14th Should give US a Good Indication WHO will B in Power in 18 Months - Hint It Won't B Racy Notley, the Oil/Gas Industry is Starting to Pick Up as Well. Positive Signs the Construction/Business Community are Very Pleased With. Hopefully NO Carbon Tax and If Its Good for Saskatchewan ITS GOOD for ALBERTA, Being in Alberta for Close to 40 Yrs I take a Pro Business Outlook and With Good Reasons, It My Home Now. Just How I Feel About Things.

Hi Group,
The Photos continue to Give a Positive outlook for the Project. Here is hoping it will Continue in the Long Term.
Surprised it's all concrete. Steel would definitely need fewer columns.
