Hi Grou
We can Disagree and that's OK, but I WANT to take a More POSITIVE Outlook on these Projects. As some one stated on a Topic a while back "What do the Dvlprs Know that We don't know etc," Well it My Views the Dvlprs have a MORE Positive Out Look in the Long Term. If Not they would not B Bldg in the 1st Place. They have Financing in Place which is a Good Sign, The Interest is There as Well. Consumer Condidence is UP and a Provincial Election is Just Around the Corner,That By Election on the 14th Should give US a Good Indication WHO will B in Power in 18 Months - Hint It Won't B Racy Notley, the Oil/Gas Industry is Starting to Pick Up as Well. Positive Signs the Construction/Business Community are Very Pleased With. Hopefully NO Carbon Tax and If Its Good for Saskatchewan ITS GOOD for ALBERTA, Being in Alberta for Close to 40 Yrs I take a Pro Business Outlook and With Good Reasons, It My Home Now. Just How I Feel About Things.