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  1. JTron

    Anyone planning to travel to the US: Yay or Nay?

    Not under any circumstances while Trump is in power.
  2. JTron

    Anyone planning to travel to the US: Yay or Nay?

    We cancelled our trip to the New York/Philadelphia this summer, and cancelled plans for Hawaii next December. Part of it is Trump, part was the low dollar, but Trump made it an easy decision. On the flip side, it’s now helping to convince my less adventurous wife to go to another continent.
  3. JTron

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    The vast majority (including myself) voted for elevated. A question for those who voted for the u/g option. Do you think there’s a chance of getting funding for u/g? I’m not challenging your choice, more of curiosity thing. To me it looks like u/g is completely off the table, but I might be wrong.
  4. JTron

    Chinook North Multifamily | 21m | 6s | M2SC

    This would be a good addition to the Chinook area. It’s 1000 times better than what’s there now and I see this as cheap housing stock 20 years from now when Chinook is being built out as highly dense node.
  5. JTron

    First & Park | 75m | 18s | Graywood

    This most likely the reason. There are plenty of people who would pay an extra 100k for their preferred location.
  6. JTron

    Weather and Gardening Discussion

    You beat me to it @trtcttc. 100% the climate down in the lower parts of the intercity are different than outer areas of the city. My best guesstimation on the heat island effect for the core is a couple of things, one is the amount of concrete and cement, the other is elevation. A few years back...
  7. JTron

    Francesco's | 48m | 16s | Arlington Street | DAAS

    Outside of 526-4th, I wonder which project will go next?
  8. JTron

    Wing Kei Village | 26m | 6s | Wing Kei | S2

    My aunt had Owen Hart as a teacher, so I’m part of that special 25% and therefore Calgary Royalty. 😎
  9. JTron

    Statscan numbers

    ^ if my memory serves me correctly, CP has tracks going into Edmonton.
  10. JTron

    Broadway on 17th | 164m | 46s | Vesta | Zeidler

    Wow, possibly a 46 story tower in the beltline and another one that’s taller. Fingers crossed, these get built it’ll be a complete skyline change for the Beltline.
  11. JTron

    Shawnessy Station | 69m | 20s | Telsec

    This great. The design is average, but this kind of density near an LRT station is great to see.
  12. JTron

    Inglewood Fire Hall Development | 42m | 12s | RNDSQR | S2

    Maybe we’ll get lucky and the city will get on the phone to Truman or Eagle Crest.
  13. JTron

    Inglewood Fire Hall Development | 42m | 12s | RNDSQR | S2

    RNDSQR took on too much, but they’ve gone back to their core strength of smaller rowhouse type projects. The city only needs to partner up with another developer that does those scale of projects. Truman, or EC.
  14. JTron

    Marda 33 | 12m | 2s | MoDA

    100% agree. The place will be packed.e Hell, I’d go up there just for the views.
  15. JTron

    Who will be Alberta's largest metro in a decade?

    I’m kind of late to the party, but I’ll make a prediction. Calgary will be for sure, there’s about a 1% chance that Edmonton will be the biggest metro in ten years. 30 or 50 years down the road when the oil industry is all but gone, and the gas industry isn’t very big anything can happen. Even...
  16. JTron

    Who will be Alberta's largest metro in a decade?

    I saw something in the news recently, where people were complaining about a school and the lack of trees at the school. The fund like this would be perfect to put to use for landscaping projects.
  17. JTron

    Calgary & Alberta Economy

    I’m not familiar with the issue at hand. Why would it be bad for Canada, but good for Alberta as long as it’s in Alberta?
  18. JTron

    Munro | 26m | 7s | Calgary Co-op | NORR

    The crane is there, but to the left of the photos.
  19. JTron

    Calgary becoming the next Detroit: A look 10 years later.

    Detroit as a metro is still increasing in population, but even then still pales compared to our growth. From 2010-2020 Detroit’s metro grew by 100k, and Calgary grew by that in one year!
  20. JTron

    Calgary & Alberta Economy
