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  1. hollahollaholla

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I was at that presentation, they wanted to rip all out the rail lines in the whole city and turn them into bike lanes. Some other kids had some cool ideas for McLeod Tr. that I liked. I asked a question about how removing the lines would affect regional rail transit and if they could imagine...
  2. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    After talking with a few of the municipalities there is definitely a push to create regional rail. Everybody is just waiting for the Bow Valley Mass Transit study to be released.
  3. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    For sure in cities seperated crossings are more important. But part of the issue on Yankee Valley is everybody trying to get on to QE2 in the first place.
  4. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    I think with grade crossing upgrades and proper lighting/barriers it isn't too big of an issue. Ideally they would all be seperated bjt this isn't a high speed line.
  5. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    The 901 and 902 have to work around rush hour so they dont get caught in traffic. The latest bus you can catch is from the South Transit Terminal and leaves at 7:52. I would hardly say that either of them offer anything remotely close to a door to door service. If you were to catch the last...
  6. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    The buses weren't bursting at the seam for the Green Line and they decided to skip a bus transitway. As far as I have first hand seen the ICE does well and is generally full when I see them. But have you looked at the routes and times for them? They suck. I understand the heirarchy of transit...
  7. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    Write counsellors. Make your voice heard. Talk to Jaspertf with Alberta Regional Rail. Commuter rail has been planned for decades but hasn't really been taken seriously but if voices are heard and people demand it than it can't be ignored. I've talked to countless amounts of people about a rail...
  8. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Transit

    Presented nice...but those off peak service times still bother me. Hell even 18 minute peak time is upsetting.
  9. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    I'm all in for creating viable passenger rail for Alberta. With the help of JasperTF using the Alberta Regional Rail plan we're focussing on advocacy for rail passenger rail development im the province. We're only in our infancy and are trying to provide information and...
  10. hollahollaholla

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    I don't really see how this would be any different than tunneling anywhere else. People brought up things about water tables with the river but humans have been tunneling underwater for centuries.
  11. hollahollaholla

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    I lived in Vancouver when Canada Line was being built and the stations downtown were cut and cover while the line was tunneled. Or least the City Centre one was.
  12. hollahollaholla

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Isn't it just being put in a tunnel deep enough to not disrupt these things?
  13. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Transit

    So I just noticed this and I'm not sure if it's been brought up here before but it looks like the city has changed the plans for WB bus only lanes over Glenmore. Also with the new bus route design I've heard that the SW BRT has dropped to busses every 25 minutes. Can anybody confirm this...
  14. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    Banff service is continued this year starting May long until first week of September. Still the same 10 dollar fare only this year will have a pick up spot downtown.
  15. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    Good news for regional transit that I missed. One step closer to rail service.
  16. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    I'm assuming that the entire lines would need to be double tracked. Is there even enough space on a line to Okotoks to do that?
  17. hollahollaholla

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Sunnyside station is one of my favourite in the city right beside fish creek and university.
  18. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    The Northstar line in Minneapolis has up to 50 trains per day and is one of the busiest corridors in the state. I can't remember where I saw it I think it was the regional transit plan PDF but it says the Okotoks corridor has about 8 tpd but that was back in 2009.
  19. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    At $10-$15 that seems fairly incredible to me. I wonder what sort of subsidies they could be receiving? I notice that lot's of commuter systems in the US share tracks with freight companies but haven't really read much animosity towards running passengers like CP.
  20. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    I haven't heard anything from emails or phone calls I've made but I did come across this: So my guess is they're still working towards it. Edit* just saw the bid is closed and the links are there has to be data somewhere
