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Search results

  1. Operater

    PLATFORM | 21m | 6s | CMLC | Kasian

    Hi, I can understand the need for Parking.- City Hall etc. Still keep coming away with the Feeling that the Site could have Been put to Better Use. Perhaps "Air Rights" Over the L R T. ? Just an Honest Opinion. Tnx, Operater,
  2. Operater

    West Village Towers | 149.95m | 42s | Cidex Group | NORR Dubai Yahya Jan

    Hi All, I Know the 1st/2nd Towers are On the Way Up etc. Questions? Are the Tops Going to B an All Glass Format of Sorts? It looks that Way in the Renderings but not all to Sure. Tnx, Operater.
  3. Operater

    Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 42s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

    Hi, One Item I'm not sure off so Could B wrong on this. Are BOTH Towers Still going Up? Or is the 2nd Tower Years Down the Road? Hope Its Not Asking or Imposing. Thanks. Operater, Calgary.
  4. Operater

    BLVD Beltline | 118.87m | 37s | ONE Properties | Arquitectonica

    Hi All, I Would still Like to see the 3rd Tower Built. Reasons? That there is STILL a Thing Called Economic Activity Happening in this City. All I See on the News is Negative. Has to at Least B Something Positive at Least. Tnx, Operater.
  5. Operater

    Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 42s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

    Hi. Guess Its Better thenthing Being Built at All. A Lot of these Projects start Off as One Thing and End Up totally Different. on Approval. Tnx, Operater.
  6. Operater

    West Village Towers | 149.95m | 42s | Cidex Group | NORR Dubai Yahya Jan

    Hi All. The 2nd Tower has Already Started Construction. Not sure how Many Floors are Up Yet, What i am Hoping for is the Start of the 3rd Tower to Complete the Whole Project. Tnx, Operater,
  7. Operater

    Stephen Avenue Place Revitalization | 155m | 40s | Slate

    Hi All, I Know Next to Nothing About this Project except for What I have read on this Site as Such. As I don;t get DT Much I am Dependent on this Site, It used to B Scotia Bank's Main Branch in Calgary. I Will Follow this Project as I hope it will Add to the Betterment of the Mail. Hope if Its a...
  8. Operater

    Eau Claire West | 109.11m | 33s | QuadReal | NORR

    Hi All, This Project Will B Most Interesting if It ever gets off the Ground. Its 7 Bldgs if I am correct. In Counting it really looks l0 in Total. Long Term Project? Yes. Will add a lot to the Mix ot the Downtown Areas as such. Tnx, Operater,
  9. Operater

    West Village Towers | 149.95m | 42s | Cidex Group | NORR Dubai Yahya Jan

    Hi All, I'll Go with all 3 Buildings.Why? Honestly Feel it will B a Plus for Downtown West End. It makes the Area a Bit More Vibrant and you don't get a Half Completed Project and the Dvlprs Up and Walking Away. Just how I feel about it Truthfully. Tnx, Operater.
  10. Operater

    BLVD Beltline | 118.87m | 37s | ONE Properties | Arquitectonica

    Hi All, I Know there are Two Blgs on the Way Up - For Now, I w0uld like very much to see the Third One Go Up as Well to see the Project as a Whole get Completed. Hope the 3rd Tower gets started soon. Tnx, Operater, .
  11. Operater

    Plaza | 113.5m | 33s | Cantiro | GEC

    Hi All, If the Land is "For Sale" as Posted Earlier on the Topic. Will B Interested to see what Happens,. Projects seem to Come Fast and We at Times never Hear he so called "Rest of the Story" as they say..With the Economy in this Province in what - Long Term Depression as Such I have Serious...
  12. Operater

    Eau Claire Market Redevelopment | 135.02m | 35s | Harvard Developments

    Hi, I've Seen this 2 Minute Video on this Site B 4 in the Past.Not sure what it is But the Music has an Appeal to Me. Some Music Videos Have an Appeal, Others Don't etc. I Always Come Back to it. Its Great that the Producers Behind these Videos have Creative Talents in Their Work. Tnx, Operater.
  13. Operater

    Park Central | 138m | 40s | Hines | S.C.B.

    Hi, In Looking Over this Project, Are there Not to B TWO Bldgs all Total? One at 12/4 and the Other will B at 11/4? Read a While back that Two Bldgs Were going to get Built etc Tns, Operater.
  14. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    Hi, Haven't Yet Heard much so far. Am I Correct to Assume that the Office/Condo/Rental Sections Still a Few Years Away from being Occupied? Anyone else Heard Much - Yet? Tnx, Operater.
  15. Operater

    West Village Towers | 149.95m | 42s | Cidex Group | NORR Dubai Yahya Jan

    Hi, Could B Dead wrong here.I Wonder if We will have to wait till the Whole Project is completed in terms of all Bldgs to really get an honest views of this Project Guess It might B wise to take a Bit of a Wait & See Views to Perhaps get some proper opinions. See what Happens I guess. Tnx...
  16. Operater

    Oliver | 121.3m | 35s | Centron | Gibbs Gage

    Hi, With the Russians and the Saudis Fighting it Out on Oil Prices Who Else will Get Involved to Retain Their so Called "Market Share"? This could get very Interesting in the Next Few Months.. With the Virus Mess Doing the Rounds in Iran and other Countries things could get a Lot Worse.What I...
  17. Operater

    BMO Centre Expansion | 25m | 5s | CMLC

    Hi, I'm Not Sure Just How this Whole Complex will Turn Out of hand.. If It Includes a Hotel and Other Bldgs, this will at Least add to the Vitality of the Stamped Grounds in the Long Term Planing and Economic Well being of the Whole Areas. It Won't come Cheap by Any Means but if All 3 Gvmnts...
  18. Operater

    Underwood Tower | 99.06m | 31s | Western Securities

    Hi, What is the Status of the Project Now? Knew that Work had Commenced but that is All I Know for Now.Hope Its not Imposing etc. Tnx.
  19. Operater

    Oxford Tower | 262.12m | 62s | Oxford Properties

    Hi, Oxford Isn't saying much for the Time Being. What Ever is Being Talked About - if Anything is Being Kept Hush Hush for Now. At 62 Floors there is Lots of Room for the Possibility of Two Companies and the Chance a 3rd Company to Go into a Complex that Height. Lead Company? Anyone's Guess.I...
  20. Operater

    West Village Towers | 149.95m | 42s | Cidex Group | NORR Dubai Yahya Jan

    Hi. I have seen Comments about the chances of Commercial Space in this Complex as Such.- Stores etc. What I have Wondered about is How it all fits in with the 3rd bldg if It Gets Built. I would Correctly Presume that the Commercial Space would add to the Over All of the 3 Bldgs in Terms of...
