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Search results

  1. JTron

    ARC 33 | 22m | 6s | RNDSQR | S2

    This is a fantastic project, the type of project Calgary could use more of.
  2. JTron

    Oxford Tower | 262.12m | 62s | Oxford Properties

    Too bad about the high vacancy rate downtown, I imagine this is nowhere near getting built. On the flipside the design is uninspiring, so maybe it's for the best.
  3. JTron

    Park Central | 138m | 40s | Hines | S.C.B.

    Any word on whether the second tower is still going ahead?
  4. JTron

    Plaza | 113.5m | 33s | Cantiro | GEC

    I hope this is something that goes ahead. I know most peeps here don't like the design, but the added density right in the core would be nice.
  5. JTron

    11th + 11th | 138.07m | 44s | Intergulf | Ramsay Worden

    I look the slender look of this tower 👍
  6. JTron

    The deVille | 52.12m | 13s | Remington | Gibbs Gage

    Yeah, definitely more noticeable, you can easily see the tower from Deerfoot now. Kinda nice to have something in the backdrop in that area.
  7. JTron

    SOLA | 26.21m | 9s | Ocgrow | Riddell Kurczaba

    Is this under construction now?
  8. JTron

    Statscan numbers

    Thanks for posting those numbers. I wonder how long before Kelowna passes Sherbrooke and Regina? The numbers for Calgary are fantastic!
  9. JTron

    The Victoria on 5th | 19.81m | 6s | Casola Koppe

    I like that brick on the lower level.
  10. JTron

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    There or one of the other inner city neighborhoods, Inglewood, Mission, Beltline, Kensington.
  11. JTron

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I don’t know where to post this so I’ll post it here. Calgary may be down but it’s not out. One of the highest population growths in the country. Our pop stands at 1,543,000 now.
  12. JTron

    Calgary Skylines

    Taken by Neil Zeller
  13. JTron

    What brought you to this site?

    I must have missed the peak at SSP. I went to the site a few years ago and there was nothing there.
  14. JTron

    Night Scapes

  15. JTron

    Infill Development Discussion

    Judging by the fact people keep building them, I would say they must be.
  16. JTron

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I found this list from 2017 of apartment units under construction. Is there any updated list somewhere?
  17. JTron

    Calgary real estate market

    The market's not bad for smaller molre inexpensive properties, or for rental, but not good for high end luxury homes. This mansion in Springbank had a listing price of $20 Million , then $15 Million, and now $10 Million...
  18. JTron

    University District | ?m | ?s | University of Calgary Properties Group

    I might catch some flak for saying this, but I would be okay with a non drive thru Tim Hortons.
  19. JTron

    The Hub | ?m | 28s | Campus Suites | ARK Inc.

    Ouch 😬
