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Search results

  1. hollahollaholla

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    I've rode the tram in Montpellier France and once you're outside of the city centre there is no difference. They went about 80kmh on their own dedicated tracks. I feel like low floor is a better way to integrate with the surrounding environment like a dense city centre but if the train is...
  2. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Transit Fantasy Maps

    Ah my bad I'm new here and don't often get the subtleties of sarcasm through words. Regardless knowing where tracks are is good but routing and lines can always be changed. It's nice to see where different people have different visions.
  3. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Transit Fantasy Maps

    Not trying to be a hater or anything but this is literally just a screen grab of the Railway Association of Canada Rail Atlas. Like you just took other peoples stuff and said it was yours. There's nothing about commuter anything it's just a map of railways in Canada...
  4. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Transit Fantasy Maps Here's what I made up with commuter rail, regional buses and c-train lines. I'm not a big fan of a circle route but I threw it in just because it seems like the popular thing to do.
  5. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    I've probably spent a good 10 years tinkering about thinking about how the future of rail transit should go in the Calgary area. It's one thing to be a person just thinking about things, another ballgame to make things happen.
  6. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    How can we run more cars if trains will be longer than a city block and stop traffic?
  7. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    How can we run more trains when capacity is pretty much full downtown. Trains can't be longer and they already run every 2 minutes during rush hour. Putting the lines underground will be at least a billion.
  8. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    I'm fairly new here and not sure how to quote but this is my worry about feeding to LRT terminal stations. Airdrie funneling feeder busses to the green line or Okotoks sending people to Silverado concerns me that LRT will become crowded before it even reaches inner city stations. This was an...
  9. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit So this is what I put together during a slow day at work. The only line I don't agree with is the one out to Strathmore, but why not throw it in. I'd like it to connect...
  10. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    Yeah I'll try to fish them out and get back to you I just cleared out my inbox not long ago. I think I mostly got replies from PR people except for Airdrie it was the transit coordinator Chris. I also got a response by Jeff from LRT on the green talking about his position and the steps to take...
  11. hollahollaholla

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    So I have been emailing CP, Parks Canada and different towns around Calgary to try to find any interests in these places on a regional rail system. So far all my replies have been mixed: CP claimed they would tolerate trains on their rails as long as they don't cut into their profit and they...
