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Search results

  1. Operater

    ALT Hotel | ?m | 11s | Groupe Germain | LEMAYMICHAUD

    Hi, It will B Two Weeks till the Labour Day Wkd. I will B Interested to See how the (nterior will Look Like. Hope Its as Good as the Outside - if not Better. Tnx, Operater.
  2. Operater

    The Royal | 114.9m | 34s | Embassy Bosa | Abugov Kaspar

    Hi, Who is "Orban Fair"? Its a Name I am Not Faniliar With Really. Tnx, Operater.
  3. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    Hi Again, On Passing Thoughts, but Not Sure if They can Match the Telus. Untill Oxford Blds Their 64 Flr Bldg at 6/4 S W. Tekus Will B the Tallest Bldg in Calgary for Quite Some Time. I Know there are Various Bldgs Planned for the Beltline but Will B Interested to See How It Goes Height Wise...
  4. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    Hi, The Grain Exchange Bldg May B Considered an Historic Bldg. Not sue off hand really as such. It would B interesting to see the Bldg/Block Redevelped into a Whole New Complex. Incoperating the Grain Exchange Bldg and what Ever were to Go into the Block Reguardless of Height can B Done in...
  5. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    Hi, These Shots are Interesting! Shows Just how Bad the "Smoke/Haze" Really Is. Living Just East of Chinook in Manchester Its Often Hard to really notice all the Haze. Tnx. Operater.
  6. Operater

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    Hi, Sorry But this is NOT the Year to B Going to Banff! WHY? Those "B.C. Wild Fires" are Making It Rough to See Anything and That Smoke/Haze are Nothing to Laugh At, Pretty Bad. I was on the "On IT Bus" on Saturday - Aug 11th and the Haze was Very Bad. Didn't See a Hell of a Lot Either...
  7. Operater

    The Hat Elbow River | 177.99m | 56s | Cidex Group | NORR

    Hi, If These Bldgs were to get Blt, it would B quite the Project Really. It won't B Dvlpmt on a East/West Bases in D T or the Belt Line. I come away with the Views there will B a North/South Route as Such Along 1st St. S.E, and MacLeod Tr, South. plus 4th St. S.W. as Well. Time will tell in the...
  8. Operater

    Vogue Condominiums | 124.96m | 36s | LaCaille Group | S2 Architecture

    Hi, I didn't Realize there were some Units still Available. I was or It was My Impression the Bldg was "Sold Out" as Such, Guess Not. Not sure if there is Still a Sale"s Office still in the Bldg. but if Not I believe "La Caille Group still have Offices over on 5th Ave by 9 or 10th St. S.W. Good...
  9. Operater

    The Royal | 114.9m | 34s | Embassy Bosa | Abugov Kaspar

    Hi, I am Pleased to see that Canadian Tire is Going into this Project. A while back I was under the Impression it was going to B Someone Else. "Sky Rise Cities" had a Topic about the "Royal" as a Main Topic etc. There was Some Mention about a Grocery Store of Sorts Going in on the Bottom Level...
  10. Operater

    Citizen Tower | 51m | 15s | Chelsea skys | Max Tayefi Architect

    Hi, Property now "For Sale" !Guess We wait and see if Some One will Buy the Property and Deuvelope Something Else. Tnx, Operater.
  11. Operater

    The Dorian | 98.45m | 27s | PBA Land Development | Gibbs Gage

    Hi, Was D T on Wednesday (Aug 15th). Didn't See Anything as Yet. Give it as After the Labour Day Wkd B 4 Work gets started. Tnx, Operater.
  12. Operater

    6th and Tenth | ?m | 31s | Lamb Dev Corp | Core Architects

    Hi, Plant Life Shortly? Could B Wrong but I come away with the Feelings that this Type of Work may have to wait till Spring of 2019 to get this Material Planted and Settle into the Ground so it can Settle Properly and not Get Damaged by a Cold Winter Coming Up, Could B Wrong on this, Not...
  13. Operater

    Courtyard 33 | 21.64m | 6s | RNDSQR | 5468796 Architecture

    Hi All. I Admit I find this Project Interesting Yet Hard to Follow, Will. Have to Try and Follow more Closely to get a Feel for the Project in the Long Haul. Tnx, Operater.
  14. Operater

    The Guardian | 146.91m | 44s | Hon | Arcadis

    Hi, Perhaps some of the Best Answers would B by Asking the Owners how They find the Towers on the Over All. Opinions will Vary but It gives You Ideas etc to Go by. Good Luck. Tnx, Operater.
  15. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    If Oxford Goes Ahead with Their 64 Flr Bldg at 6/4 N W Corner, I Believe It will add a lot of Confidence in Calgary. I Haven't seen any Pictures of the Project as Such , but it would B Most Interesting Just the Same. Tnx, Operater.
  16. Operater

    The Hat Elbow River | 177.99m | 56s | Cidex Group | NORR

    Hi, I Know that East Village is the Site to Watch, and I don't Find Fault Really, but I see these Other Areas/Sites that I feel have a Lot of Promises/Opportunities as Well. I take a PRO Dvlpmt Outlook mainly because I Believe in Calgary and Alberta - a sort of CAN DO Outlook. I Still look at...
  17. Operater

    11th + 11th | 138.07m | 44s | Intergulf | Ramsay Worden

    Hi, On Some Passing Thoughts, some "Healthy Competition" with or Between Dvlprs Might not B such a "Bad Thing". Regardless of Heights, It would offer the Dvlprs a Chance to Offer a Better Product Based on the Views that Our Project can Offer More in Terms of what would B on the Market then...
  18. Operater

    11th + 11th | 138.07m | 44s | Intergulf | Ramsay Worden

    Hi, For Now, 44 Flrs UP will Make it the Tallest Structure in Belt West for the Time Being. - Belt West - Points 8th St and West. Tnx, Operater.
  19. Operater

    The Hat Elbow River | 177.99m | 56s | Cidex Group | NORR

    Hi, Lets See, 56 Flrs Up! Will this Make it the Tallest Bldg in Mission South/Erlton? I know there is that 4 Tower Project Down in Erlton across from Erlton Stamped Station. Heights? 30 Something Flrs if I am Correct. Tnx, Operater.
  20. Operater

    11th + 11th | 138.07m | 44s | Intergulf | Ramsay Worden

    Hi, Guess this will B Interesting Really. On One Hand I see Dvlpmt in the East Belt going from 10th Ave South to the Areas of Mission East to what Erlton/25th Ave South with Various Projects Proposed. In Downtown/Belt West Its Various Projects/Heights on the Drawing Boards as Such. What Gets Blt...
