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Search results

  1. Operater

    1st St Chinatown Tower Development | ?m | 28s | El Condor Lands | Perkins + Will

    Hi Looks like a Part of China Town is Making a Change for the Better. Looks very good really. Lets hope Construction can Start within a Year or So. Tnx, Operater
  2. Operater

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Hi, Most Railway/Transit Tunnels are Blt with Twin Tunnels as a Safety Factor in Mind. Twin Bores with a Cantral Platform IMO is the Best Option even if it costs more Its the Safety Factors that count more then anything else. Hope it counts. Tnx, Operater.
  3. Operater

    BLVD Beltline | 118.87m | 37s | ONE Properties | Arquitectonica

    Hi, Look like this Project has a chance to make a Go of It. Lets Hope so. Tnx, Operater.
  4. Operater

    Eau Claire Market Redevelopment | 135.02m | 35s | Harvard Developments

    Hi, Seven Bldgs makes for a Massive Project. Will B interested to to see if all of them are Blt. Guess Time will tell. Tnx, Operater
  5. Operater

    Calgary & Alberta Economy

    Hi, Converting Office Towers to Apts or Condos won't come cheap. If the Economy Picks Up in 6 Months Time for the Better With a Change in Gvmnts These Dvlpers Will want their Bldgs Back. The ideas sound nice for now But I prefer to wait and see what happens.
  6. Operater

    BLVD Beltline | 118.87m | 37s | ONE Properties | Arquitectonica

    Hi, Safe? Any Money in the Safe we can ALL Use? Tnx. Operater,
  7. Operater

    Nest | 40.23m | 15s | Cairo Development | Casola Koppe

    Hi Again, Up to 4 yrs Ago, I was Doing OK etc, in the Late Summer, Friends and a Roomate Started Telling Me I was "Loosing Weight" Better get a Check Up etc. Went to C M L and a Week Later found out I a Diabetic (Type 2) and Loosing Weight Pretty Quick. Quite the Shock. Its Been a ROUGH 4 Yrs...
  8. Operater

    Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 42s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

    Hi, We can disagree here, but I keep coming away with the feelings this Project could B doing better then it Currently Stands.. Guess time will tell. Tnx, Operater.
  9. Operater

    M2 Block | ?m | 4s | XYC | Riddell Kurczaba

    Hi, No sure but I believe this will B an Interesting Project in Its Own Right. Lets hope for the Best. Tnx, Operater
  10. Operater

    Nest | 40.23m | 15s | Cairo Development | Casola Koppe

    Hi, To Me - 1st St S.E. is Part of MacLeod Trail. Always will B. I know from Experience as I have to get across at 58/the Mac, Where I NOW live. Due to Medical. it takes Me 2 Sets of Lights to Get Across 6 Lanes. Kind of Used to It, but Every now & then Some one Helps Me Out. Never was a Problem...
  11. Operater

    PLATFORM | 21m | 6s | CMLC | Kasian

    Hi, I might have missed something, but is there B a Provision for Dvlpmnt above the 6 Floors. I believe there is a Opportunity in the Future. Tnx, Operater.
  12. Operater

    UPTEN | 121.91m | 37s | Strategic Group

    Hi, B good when the get that Crane Landed. Tnx, Operater.
  13. Operater

    Calgary's East Village

    Hi, Liked those pictures of the Ducks\ Thn for Posting. Operater.
  14. Operater

    Nest | 40.23m | 15s | Cairo Development | Casola Koppe

    Hi, Not very Big for a Bidg in the Areas. B interesting to see how it all turns out. Tnx, Operater.
  15. Operater

    BLVD Beltline | 118.87m | 37s | ONE Properties | Arquitectonica

    Hi, Its good to See that Some Type of Work has started on the site. Tnx, Operater..
  16. Operater

    The Guardian | 146.91m | 44s | Hon | Arcadis

    Hi, Piece of History? Maybe, then Maybe Not. Depends on the Dvlpr as such. Will B interested to see what happens in the Up Coming Months really. Guess time will tell. Tnx, Operater.
  17. Operater

    1116 - 7th Ave SW | ?m | 12s | Cidex Group | NORR

    Hi Will B interested to See if this Project sets a Trend in D T West. Tnx, Operater,
  18. Operater

    UPTEN | 121.91m | 37s | Strategic Group

    Hi, Mobile Crane on Site for Now? I'll Settle for a Big Bird on Site next so that its Proof that Construction is for Real. Tnx, Operater.
  19. Operater

    NUDE | 63.4m | 18s | Battistella | S2

    Hi. "Battistella Love". Gotta say I Like that. But then every time these Guys go into a Neighbourhood, they Bring a little bit of Love with them. Right! Dam Right. With Their Funky Designs, Names etc. Your on the Right Track. Enjoy! Tnx, Operater.
  20. Operater

    NUDE | 63.4m | 18s | Battistella | S2

    Hi, 18 Floors in Belt West. Have to say it sure Stands Out for the Areas as Such. B Interesting to see what happens if other Dvlprs decide they want a Piece of the Action between 12th and 17th Ave. Tnx, Operater.
