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Search results

  1. Operater

    Park Central | 138m | 40s | Hines | S.C.B.

    Hi, This Project is Starting to look Fantastic as it starts to take shape Not sure how Sales or Rentals are doing but I can only Assume that Sales/Rentals must B doing Very Well/ Guess Time will Tell. Tnx, Operater..
  2. Operater

    The Hat Elbow River | 177.99m | 56s | Cidex Group | NORR

    Hi, Might B Interesting to see how this Project is looking a year from now. It will B interesting to See what is Taking P,ace with the Project when there is a Better Ideas of the Shape and out look of the Overall of the Bldg. Tnx, Operater.
  3. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    Hi. I know it will B what? A Year or so B 4 its all finished etc. It will B Interesting to See what Kind of Light Show this Bldg will Display with Offices, Condos/Apts plus what ever Else there is Once the Bldg is Completed. Most Interesting to see. Tnx, Operater.
  4. Operater

    Park Central | 138m | 40s | Hines | S.C.B.

    Hi, This Project is starting to look Interesting. Once this gets to what say June then Up to say the Labour Day Wkd, then things will really start to Look Like Something in terms of Bldg. Its my View that Once the 2nd Bldg starts Construction in what12 to 18 Months Time then things should...
  5. Operater

    Park Central | 138m | 40s | Hines | S.C.B.

    Hi, This will Become More Interesting as the Project Progresses. Will B Looking to Follow it as Time Goes on. Tnx. Operater.
  6. Operater

    BLVD Beltline | 118.87m | 37s | ONE Properties | Arquitectonica

    Hi, I Notice in the Photos etc there is an Older Bldg in the S.W. Corner of the Lot etc. Whose Project if Any is It. B Interesting tp Find Out. Tnx; Operater.
  7. Operater

    Park Central | 138m | 40s | Hines | S.C.B.

    Hi, This will B Interesting. to watch. Lets hope it will B to Calgary's Skyline in the Future. Tnx, Operater.
  8. Operater

    BLVD Beltline | 118.87m | 37s | ONE Properties | Arquitectonica

    HI, There May B Two Bldgs going up now, but I would still llike to see the 3rs Bkdg going Up as Well. Tnx, Operater.
  9. Operater

    BLVD Beltline | 118.87m | 37s | ONE Properties | Arquitectonica

    Hi, On Passing Thoughts, Just How Many Blgs are Going Up on this Sites, Tnx, Operater.
  10. Operater

    BLVD Beltline | 118.87m | 37s | ONE Properties | Arquitectonica

    Hi, Its Good to see this Project starting to get Off the Ground. Will B interested to see how it in say what 6 Months to a Years Time Tnx, Operater..
  11. Operater

    The Royal | 114.9m | 34s | Embassy Bosa | Abugov Kaspar

    I have to say I had some Serious Reservations that the Project was going to get Off the Grounds with Lead Client that was to Take Up Space in the Main Part of the Bldg.. It has turn out better the I first thought. Once this Project is completed I will have to take some time out see what this Cdn...
  12. Operater

    1st St Chinatown Tower Development | ?m | 28s | El Condor Lands | Perkins + Will

    Hi, The Hon Family are Very Big Dvlprs in Calgary. While I don't know a lot about them off hand, I will back them because they are a Well Respected Group. I believe their projects and what have You speak for Themselves. I'd say give it a Few Years. and the Hon Family Name will B a Well...
  13. Operater

    West Village Towers | 149.95m | 42s | Cidex Group | NORR Dubai Yahya Jan

    Hi, Coming Downtown from Bow Trail to 9th Ave, This Project Really Stands Out. I will B most Interested to see how this Projects is Looking in a Year's Time. For Now I would say its looking Very Good Tnx,. Operater,
  14. Operater

    1116 - 7th Ave SW | ?m | 12s | Cidex Group | NORR

    Hi I think once this Project gets some more work done it will offer Clients and those in the Areas something worth considering. The developer s known for offering Top Quality Projects in the work that he builds. I will B interested to see where this Project is Looking like in a few Months Time...
  15. Operater

    West Village Towers | 149.95m | 42s | Cidex Group | NORR Dubai Yahya Jan

    Hi, Bldgs done on the Cheap could very well Come back to Haunt them later. Guess we shall see what happens Later. Tnx. Operater
  16. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    Once this Dldg Starts to Looks OK, it will get some Good Impressions . Hope the Sales will add to filling Up the Tower withGood Owners. Tnx, Operater
  17. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    Hi, Once this Dldg Starts to Looks OK, it will get some Good Impressions . Hope the Sales will add to filling Up the Tower withGood Owners. Tnx, Operater
  18. Operater

    Calgary's Potential 2026 Winter Olympic Bid

    Hi, If this thing goes to a VOTE Where do We VOTE on the Matter? I want to VOTE NO. I Hope there are Others on the NO Side. I will have to GO with the Feeings that a Lot of People are Saying NO Deal. Only What A Week or so Away. Tnx, Operater.
  19. Operater

    Aspen and Bow | ?m | 5s | Anthem | Rositch Hemphill

    Hi, Its only November but Give it 2 or 3 Months and I wil start to Look OK. Tnx, Operater.
  20. Operater

    Nest | 40.23m | 15s | Cairo Development | Casola Koppe

    Hi, This Looks Interesting.Lets see what happens. Tnx, Operater.
