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Search results

  1. Operater

    101 – 11th Avenue SE | 120.09m | 37s | Oxford Properties | Zeidler

    Hi, I will B interested to see when this Project goes ahead - if It does. Its Land that is Worth a Lot in Terms of Investment and Development in the Long Term. I also Notice that Some of the Commercial Parts in these Towers have been Taken Out. I Honesty Feel this is poor Planing as there is...
  2. Operater

    Avenue | 74.98m | 24s | Cressey

    Hi, Interesting Project Really.Have gone Over Louise Bridge but wasn't sure what was the Areas. Woops. Guess it will B one of the Areas to Pay More Attention to. Tnx.
  3. Operater

    Calgary Opera Community Arts Centre | ?m | ?s

    Hi, I haven't been following this Project much as I have Been Following the Project on 8th Ave. S.E. the East Mall. Not Sure if its still Going but I Hear a lot About these Projects but have to Admit I have My Reservations that a Lot of these Projects will still proceed. Tnx.
  4. Operater

    Calgary City Centre | 161.54m | 36s | Cadillac Fairview | Zeidler

    Hi, How Many Floors will this Project have Off Hand. Tnx.
  5. Operater

    1216 8th Street | 85.04m | 25s | Great West Life | Zeidler

    Hi, That Project on 8th St SW East Side. Its Been a While Since I have Been in DT/Belt Line. there Used to B a Gas Station next to 1210 8th St, SW. Take it that this is the Ares Reffered to - Tnx.
  6. Operater

    1216 8th Street | 85.04m | 25s | Great West Life | Zeidler

    Hi All, There is ALSO the west side of 8th St S.W. That Area has a Convience Store plus there was a Drug STORE in the Areas of 16/8th St. SW, now Closed.My Question is What Happens to this Prime Dvlpmnt Areas. Is it now part of the Redevelopment Across the St from MRV.. Just Wondering.Tnx.
  7. Operater

    11th + 11th | 138.07m | 44s | Intergulf | Ramsay Worden

    Hi All, I Think Once this Project Gets Out of the Ground W e Can Start to See some Real to what happens next.Lets Hope So. Tnx. ,
  8. Operater

    1403 26th St | 16m | 5s

    Hi, Not a Big Project as Such.Will Add to the Dvlpmnt of the Areas Really. Tnx.
  9. Operater

    5Th & Macleod | ?m | 50s | Great Gulf | Henriquez Partners

    Hi All, This is a Project I can Live in the Long Term. Yes Its Tall. It Will Go a Long way to Developing the East End of Calgary.. Will B Most interested To See Development Start in the Next few Years if it Happens. Inx
  10. Operater

    Connaught Mixed Use | 95m | 29s | Cressey | Chris Dikeakos

    Just Where is this Project going to get Built - Tnx.
  11. Operater

    Connaught Mixed Use | 95m | 29s | Cressey | Chris Dikeakos

    Hi All, I Read on these Projects that there will B i/2 or 3 Towers of Sorts Built. Ok I can Agree with that Information or what ever.. Rentals or Condos? Guess it Depends on the Developers. I have noticed that it seams that1 Tower gets Built and for Reasons Unknown You Never Hear about the Rest...
  12. Operater

    Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 42s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

    I have Been Watching this Project Off/On.over time. i have to B Fair in saying I had Reservations as to just what was Going to Get Built.Could B Dead Wrong but I came away with the Views that a Lot was on Hold till a Later Time. Yes/No? Will See What Happens Later, Also saw the Remarks about a...
  13. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    Hi All, I Have Been Watching this Project for a Long Time Now. Yes it has Probably gone Over Budget to some Degree. How Much? Who Knows, Yes for now it will B the Tallest Bldg besides the Other Bldg across the way at 6/1 East. I am Taking a bit of a hard line with the Views that Calgary will...
  14. Operater

    West Village Towers | 149.95m | 42s | Cidex Group | NORR Dubai Yahya Jan

    Hi, Anyone Know when the 3rd Tower Starts Construction? I take it, it will B a While B 4 there is a Shovel in the Ground. Tnx.
  15. Operater

    Oliver | 121.3m | 35s | Centron | Gibbs Gage

    Hi, If I Remember it right, these Two were to B Office Bldgs of Sorts a Few Years Back.Guess things change pretty quick.Will B most Interested to see just what gets Built and how High etc. I can honestly say it will B interesting to see what if Calgary''s Economy starts to take off again and all...
  16. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    Hi, Its going to B a while B 4 its all Completed on the Insides I guess. I would B most Interested to see how the Insides look in Terms of Apts/Offices and what ever Else there Is,' It Looks Great in the Long Term. Getting those inside Shots will add to the Enchantment to the Whole project.
  17. Operater

    West Village Towers | 149.95m | 42s | Cidex Group | NORR Dubai Yahya Jan

    Hi, There are Currently only Two Bldgs on the way up. If i understand it right there will B a 3rd Tower to get built at a later date. When? Any ones guess really. I do feel once all 3 Towers get Built & Completed it will add to a better realization of the West Downtown and more Investment...
  18. Operater

    1216 8th Street | 85.04m | 25s | Great West Life | Zeidler

    Hi, I have been Following this Topic Off/On as i know the Areas from when I worked as a Courier.Just trying to figure out which side of 8th St S W this Project will B on.The Only Side I Know is between 13th Ave and 16th Ave on the West Side; 25 Floors is High, Are There Any Renderings of the...
  19. Operater

    5Th & Macleod | ?m | 50s | Great Gulf | Henriquez Partners

    Hi, I read the Calgary Restate News on the Wkds. when I see there and what I read on this site are Two completely different Views and Opinions. Which is closer to the truth? Hard to say really. Does make for Interesting Reading. Must say if the Developers had more confedence and trust this would...
  20. Operater

    Portfolio East | 147m | 44s | BentallGreenOak | Gibbs Gage

    Hi, Like the Concepts of the Designs and What Have You. Just hope All 4 get Blt over a Period of Time. Tnx, Operater..
