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Search results

  1. dazzlingdave88

    Kensington Mixed Use | 20m | 6s | Stonebriar | McKinley Burkart

    I went to Lifesport yesterday and didn't notice anything. I have to go back dow there today, so I'll let you know if I see anything.
  2. dazzlingdave88

    Kensington Legion | ?m | 10s | Truman | S2 Architecture

    No...the original building is still there. It looks empty, so they must be going to start demo soon. It looks like the new legion opened in June
  3. dazzlingdave88

    General Construction Updates,-114.1055969,3a,75y,317.33h,81.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sEDaNX6tfXiS_MRuXHc0jHg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
  4. dazzlingdave88

    Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 42s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

    Not sure what they are doing on the overpass next to the site.
  5. dazzlingdave88

    General Construction Updates

    Zoo bridge from Inglewood side.
  6. dazzlingdave88

    General Construction Updates

    New YWCA site
  7. dazzlingdave88

    6th and Tenth | ?m | 31s | Lamb Dev Corp | Core Architects

    Street level from today.
  8. dazzlingdave88

    General Construction Updates
  9. dazzlingdave88

    Marquee on 16th | ?m | 9s | Marquee Group | NORR

    Liquor store is going into the corner retail bay. At least that's what the notice outside said.
