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  1. A

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    And now a private company is proposing rail from Calgary to Montana.
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    Arts Commons | 18m | 4s | City of Calgary | KPMB

    They should totally do this. Change the road to brick pavers (which would have the added bonus of calming traffic) and install retractable bollards at the intersection.
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    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    Surprisingly ambitious announcement from the Provincial Government. First order of business should be to pass legislation controlling development adjacent to the Laggan, Red Deer and Leduc CPKC lines, and the Edson CN line to protect expansion/parallelling for the regional components, and any...
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    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    Are there studies indicating which corridor would have the greatest economic impact? Selfishly, I want funding to go to Calgary > Banff, but I suspect Calgary > Edmonton would be more beneficial to the economy.
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    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I was literally lamenting to my wife the other day what an eyesore and wasted opportunity this site had become when we drove by the other day. Regardless of how the City decides to proceed with this site, they need to clean up the rubbish on-site and find a creative temporary use in the meantime.
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    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    American elms are part or the Marda Loop Main Street replanting plan (along with northern blaze white ash and northern acclaim honey locust).
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    17th Ave Car Free Discussion

    What an absolutely massive improvement to the public realm!
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    The Cornerstone | 36m | 10s | Peoplefirst

    I feel like the building is not befitting the name “Cornerstone”.
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    The Royal | 114.9m | 34s | Embassy Bosa | Abugov Kaspar

    Blush Lane, Bridgeland Market and Linas all seem to do ok. I think Urban Fare would have done better outside of downtown.
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    Glenbow Museum | 43m | 9s | DIALOG

    I’ll be interested to see how much natural lighting is actually achieved between this corner and the central atrium/skylight feature.
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    Arts Commons | 18m | 4s | City of Calgary | KPMB

    I thought a lot about this project last week while in Ontario. I happened to stay across the street from the Four Seasons Centre, and thought about whether I’d want new Arts Commons to be similar design (a transparent glass box). I love how dramatic the nighttime lighting of the Four Seasons...
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    East Riverside Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | City of Calgary

    Looks great! I wish we would see more of this type of proposal.
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    Calgary International Airport

    I imagine it is probably partly due to the locations of CFB Edmonton and the former Edmonton Municipal Airport. Made sense for it to be on the south side of the city. That said, I don’t know if there is a specific reason why it’s so far away from the city.
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    General Construction Updates

    Shots of the partially completed mural, the patio space, and Elizabeth Square under development. I really hope LDG has more in the pipeline (selfishly I hope it’s in Marda Loop) because they do really thoughtful work. Everything from scale, colour, materials, lighting, etc. seems well thought out.
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    First & Park | 75m | 18s | Graywood

    I don’t mind the colour. The ground floor mullions are too much though.
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    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I’d be curious to know if the development on 37th is a product (at least in part) of Main Streets, or of the development would have occurred at the same rate regardless, because of the availability of 50’ lots with older homes.
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    Leland Park | 18m | 5s | ICM Development | CTZN

    I kind of like the blue as well.
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    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    CBC article about Lacey Court
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    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I agree with you, anectdotally, that there are more people walking in the neighbourhood (at least since I moved here 6 years ago). I’m one of those stroller-pushing people in Marda Loop that you’re talking about. I only drive to take my kids to daycare (and only because it’s significantly...
