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  1. DougB

    Statscan numbers

    Calgary has the worst geography of any large city in Canada as it is not located at a natural break-in-bulk point. The only other sizeable Canada cities not located as such are Kelowna and Regina. A break-in-bulk point is a place where goods are transferred from one mode of transport to another...
  2. DougB

    Statscan numbers

    Calgary's growth would likely look even more impressive if those numbers used historical populations of current CMA boundraries. Edmonton and especially Ottawa always had substantial population in adjacent towns.
  3. DougB

    17th and 4th | 164m | 46s | Vesta | Zeidler

    You want small units with low ceilings priced at $1,500 per sq ft?
  4. DougB

    Calgary's Downtown Dilemma

    I did second grade at the MacDougall School dt. At the time, the entire lot was paved and called a playground. Times were different as all kids walked to school through dt.
  5. DougB

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    I think Edmonton is worse. I watched the Government Center (then Grandin) to University segment as it was built. The section from Government Center to the north riverbank has flexible tunnel walls that allow some degree of movement due to the river bank being mostly sand. The section from the...
  6. DougB

    Water main break discussion

    The water system is funded by user pay.
  7. DougB

    Alberta Provincial Politics

    Advocacy or collective action would be the opposite of growing a spine. The true test of one's worth in the job market is to see how one would fare elsewhere.
  8. DougB

    Weather and Gardening Discussion

    Most insurance companies pro-rate roofs and siding. For example, if they assume the siding has a 25 year life and the siding is 22 years old, they would only payout 3/25 of the replacement cost.
  9. DougB

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    How much could have been saved if city councillors hadn't been self-congrulating themselves over 4 years of scope creep between 2015 and 2019 and broken ground during the NDP years? At one time, they dreamed of building the full north to south line with bored tunnels and deep underground...
  10. DougB

    Weather and Gardening Discussion

    Jasper has a large amount of pine beetle kill compared to the Banff area, making it way more susceptiple to fire. That being said, pro-active actions to remove dead trees, thin the underbrush and clear fire breaks would be good ideas. I live part-time in the mountains east of Salt Lake. The...
  11. DougB

    Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

    When it was concrete, the expansion joint seals seemed to need replacement every year or two. Calgary's freeze-thaw cycle exact a toll
  12. DougB

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    But is the Green Line the best investment? I'm all for LRT service to the Deep SE. The $8B+ to get it to Seton is mind boggling given that much of the route follows freight rail or reserved RoW. If construction costs have truly escalated that much, LRT likely doesn't make sense on any corridor...
  13. DougB

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    The Ring Road likley delivers a far higher GDP boost than would the entire Green Line from Seton to Stoney North.
  14. DougB

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I think the lasers were used exactly twice. I saw them on July 1st, 2001. I don't recall the waterfall working after the second year and the clock hasn't worked in several years. The park really needs a makeover. Unsure if a Cowboy's makeover is the solution though.
  15. DougB

    Alberta Provincial Politics

    Welcome to the real world. Anyone who isn't satisfied with their job can quit.
  16. DougB

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Costs have escalated far faster than inflation, so the situation is miuch different.
  17. DougB

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Despite the growth, transit congestion still seems less than before the 2015 crash. It felt worst around 2007, just before the GFC and major sections of Stoney opened
  18. DougB

    Riverview West 4th Avenue | 78.5m | 24s | Trico Homes | S2

    This one will be a hard sell due to unfavorable location
  19. DougB

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Agreed. The transit investments need to be compared to incremental road capacity investments. The Deep SE is also experiencing enormous growth so congestion is likely to worsen significantly.
  20. DougB

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    The message is that all of these are poor investments.
