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  1. DougB

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    The budget should grow at no more than inflation plus growth. Taxes need not follow the same trajectory as growth generates more tax revenue
  2. DougB

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Agencies like TransLink, Sound Transit and BART exist to co-ordinate projects across multiple municipalities. This isn't an issue in Calgary, but Edmonton will need something similar at some point,
  3. DougB

    Statscan numbers

    The City still has plenty of room on its annual water license. It may hit up against daily limits in the near future, but those are easily solvable through outdoor watering restrictions and building more treated water reservoirs. Several decades into the future, the City will likely need to...
  4. DougB

    Glenbow Museum | 43m | 9s | DIALOG

    A mogul run at Louise would have lots of bare spots
  5. DougB

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Couldn't the entirety of Greenview Indutrial, Fox Hollow Golf Course and municipal Spring Gardens sites to redeveloped into tens of thousands of units. Could also addin the planned Midfield redevelopment. LRT up Centre is a pipe dream. If the estimate to build 7 stations from Eau Claire to...
  6. DougB

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    It was announced but was awaiting funding. Now it is a go
  7. DougB

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion A well-known Calgary sports complex is getting a massive makeover. MNP Community & Sport Centre on Macleod Trail S.E. will be undergoing a $87.5 million expansion, officials...
  8. DougB

    526 - 4th Ave | 112m | 32s | LaCaille Group | S2

    Which project is this? RIP Hooker Mac's
  9. DougB

    Sovereign | 40.54m | 14s | Avi Urban | GEC

    Is anything planned for the empty lot directly across 17th?
  10. DougB

    General Construction Updates

    Heard that the parcel to the east of the strip mall/south of the park and ride in Douglas Glen is being serviced. At one time, a large condo project was planned there. Unsure what is going in.
  11. DougB

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Nowhere nead bad as for North American transit projects.
  12. DougB

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    The difference is that the highway interchange can be delivered on-time and on-budget with measurable benefits. The Green Line plans have been shambolic since 2015.
  13. DougB

    Eau Claire West | 109.11m | 33s | QuadReal | NORR

    Proposals for these land blocks have been leading indicator of economic slowdown
  14. DougB

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    It was always a farce. The project was doomed out of the gate when City Council mused about building the entire north the south line and boring tunnels under the river for the original $4.5B budget. Council was either incredibly naive or intentionally misleading. If it was the later, it should...
  15. DougB

    Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

    How would you prioritize improvements to "unsafe infrastructure" given thst it exists everywhere and the backlog would take decades to work through?
  16. DougB

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Basically a reannouncement of something from the 90's.
  17. DougB

    Statscan numbers

    It was the other way around. Banff tourism was relatively small until the 90's as Calgary is far away from everywhere. Many of the hotels were summer operation only until to 80's. The oil industry achieved critical mass in the 70's as Calgary had the engineering and financial talent, and...
  18. DougB

    Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

    Yoho would be easy except for the Big Hill and the 4km section of fill leading into Field. I'm unsure if additional fill to accomidate 4 lanes would pass environmental review. The Big Hill would take considerable blasting. I have no idea how they would widen through the snow sheds in Rogers...
  19. DougB

    Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

    The Yoho section isn't all that busy and traverses mostly gentle terrain. The ugly parts on the TCH are Rogers and Eagle Passes.
  20. DougB

    Statscan numbers

    ...and Calgary was supposedly finished in the 2020's due to devastating self-inflicted droughts, energy transition and failure to align with Laurentian political direction
