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  1. googspecial

    Infill Development Discussion

    Another reason I've heard regarding not paving the pathway is that the gravel is softer/better for running on than pavement... Though I could see NIMBYism being the leading cause against it, instead of a faction of people who run 🤷‍♂️
  2. googspecial

    Riverwalk | 45.11m | 12s | Campion | S2

    Uhh what profession exactly? Lol
  3. googspecial

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    They're shaped like hockey sticks 😭
  4. googspecial

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    I think I like the limestone - it's suffering from poor scale factor for the texture in the 3D model though. Overall there could be more of it, I was honestly hoping they'd use some stone. I think the gold/yellow and amber/red colour accents are a good touch that very much say "Flames" to me, at...
  5. googspecial

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    Not exactly across from each other, but BMO's back of house is sort of facing the event centre. It'll all come down to what happens on these 3 lots. One of them must be a hotel.
  6. googspecial

    The Hive | 27m | 9s | Jemm Properties | LOLA

    It'll be fine. I think this one might be something else now though.,-114.0993506,3a,75y,45.7h,92.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOGljIM1R8E6_F_Fvm91dgg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  7. googspecial

    West Village Towers | 149.95m | 42s | Cidex Group | NORR Dubai Yahya Jan

    They fixed the glass panels, but the mech floor has the grey trim vs dark on the new tower.
  8. googspecial

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    This is the best plan IMO, with an automated Airport People Mover.
  9. googspecial

    Calgary Restaurant Thread

    I think it's great. Try their Bird's Nest breakfast
  10. googspecial

    Weather and Gardening Discussion

    I'm trying Gai Lan this year, as it can be picked multiple times a season. It's essentially the same as broccoli, with a smaller individual plant size.
  11. googspecial

    Calgary Bike Lanes and Bike Paths

    I agree it's a pretty dumb place for off-leash, but I do frequent it every now and then with mine. The river access is nice. There's a worse off-leash area just to the east - on the west side of 14 ST inside one of those pretzel loop ramps.
  12. googspecial

    Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 42s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

    Omg the last thing this whole development needs is more materials 😂😅
  13. googspecial

    General Photos of Calgary

    River looking swole
  14. googspecial

    Courtyard 33 | 21.64m | 6s | RNDSQR | 5468796 Architecture

    ^^ Same comments in Twitter format
  15. googspecial

    Courtyard 33 | 21.64m | 6s | RNDSQR | 5468796 Architecture

    I don't really hate it, but I think I understand the hate. I don't think the black was a good choice - as others here have said - and yet I feel like there isn't enough of it 🧐. That reddit post pic shows how heavy all the corrugated siding is... If the painted sections were more pronounced...
  16. googspecial

    General Construction Updates

    I've ate it a couple times coming off that ramp on my bike (too fast obvi) and trying to take the turn to go North into Sunnyside... Now I guess I'll just shoot right into memorial traffic
  17. googspecial

    Calgary Restaurant Thread

    Isn't that the MilkTiger cat?
  18. googspecial

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    LOL they definitely just want the line to end right in front of their soon-to-be 2 block parking lot for "cost uncertainty reasons"
