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Search results

  1. S

    RNDSQR Block | 44.8m | 12s | RNDSQR | 5468796 Architecture

    Is RNDSQR doing ok financially? I thought they were having issues last year in Marda Loop with their tin palace?
  2. S

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Some type of food/beer spot up there would be awesome. It would make a killing.
  3. S

    West Nineteenth | 24m | 6s | EC Living | Casola Koppe

    Back yard view now. Still like the view? They have every right to file a complaint.
  4. S

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    CSEC also needs to gather all First Nations and decide what and where in the building their favourite design elements will go. That was one of the added conditions. Just after turning the ice plant into a carbon neutral facility.
  5. S

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    Who wants to pay to renovate a facility that sits empty 95% of the year?
  6. S

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    I think it’s more they don’t want to deal with left wing clowns.
  7. S

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    This council and Gondek
  8. S

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    So, you left wingers aren’t totally happy unless all 14 councilors are left wing? Why not keep it out of this forum?
  9. S

    Calgary Municipal Politics

    The assessment was from the data available and assessed by the office of the Alberta Chief Medical Officer of Health. You will get your union friendly Mayor and city council though. Union money buys a lot of lawn signs.
  10. S

    Calgary Municipal Politics

    Nah, we need a center right.
  11. S

    General Construction Updates

    It’s the Trans Canada highway, unless I’m mistaken.
  12. S

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    More corrugated steel on the exterior and everyone on this website would have been thrilled.
  13. S

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    no! It’s terrible! These designers are rubbish! (Joking). We like the placeholder that obviously was an inverted design that was not remotely possible.
  14. S


    Do you want to lockdown the 20-30 year olds? Those days are probably over. Time to move on.
  15. S


    your sentence is factually incomplete.
  16. S

    Courtyard 33 | 21.64m | 6s | RNDSQR | 5468796 Architecture

    Nothing will grow in those planters except the cigarette butt piles.
  17. S

    General Construction Updates

    I sent a note in the app but you are probably right. The app tends to reject anything that isn’t exactly perfect.
  18. S

    General Construction Updates

    The cycle path on the north side of 24th has the waviest asphalt. I have to find a way to tell the city so they don’t do the whole street that poorly. Unless they find that acceptable.
  19. S

    Calgary Municipal Politics

    I don’t think you can classify him as a populist. Nut job is probably more apt.
