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Search results

  1. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    I think 7th avenue is negotiable, Stephen Avenue less so.
  2. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    Email your councillor Email the mayor Email the rest of the councillors while you're at it Email the file manager (you can find their email address in the dmap link on page 1 of this thread) Email Ron Orr, AB Minister of Culture (one of the buildings is Provincially protected) Contact the...
  3. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    Does anyone know if there is city signage on Stephen Ave and 7th Ave regarding the proposals?
  4. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    The owner was part of the sdab appeal against the plan to restore the 7th ave buildings. Wonder how he's feeling now.
  5. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage Triovest declined a request for an interview but issued a statement. The building is being designed by local firm Gibbs Gage Architects, they declined comment on the story. Are they just hoping the whole thing...
  6. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    Are we being tested on the new marketing campaign? STEPHEN AVENUE QUARTER - Don't Worry, Eventually You'll Forget What Was Here
  7. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    Sorry that doesn't fit the 'nothing worth keeping' narrative
  8. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    Only if and when the applicant wants them to, otherwise you have to go to city hall to see them.
  9. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    All but one of the affected Stephen Avenue sites listed on the inventory of evaluated historical resources list other character defining elements that are in addition to the front façade. The Rose Garden This restaurant is not listed on the heritage inventory so is of no concern. The hodge...
  10. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    The 7th avenue facade looks kind of like this but with more glass in the top half
  11. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    Actually very much like the municipal building atrium but open air, so imagine this: But with a road, and with 2 dimensional historical facades tacked onto the outside. And something that kind of looks like this on top but with narrower windows. So essentially a 1970s-looking...
  12. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    I've just seen some of the renderings. I can't share them because perversely there is an explicit restriction for any of the details to be posted on the internet (anyone want to start shit about that lack of transparency?) but I can tell you that the 'activated areas' look like every single...
  13. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    Absolutely, lack of memory definitely makes the present seem best.
  14. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    The article I posted was from 2016, when they first purchased the properties
  15. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    Article about Triovest buying the 7th avenue block ... executive vice-president of investments Tim Blair said in a statement that Triovest is looking forward to transforming the...
  16. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    Anyone know who the owner actually is? In the past I heard the Mannix family name attached to the properties.
  17. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    I think that angle did come up, that normally it would not have been supported and this was a special case due to the public good of the restoration of 8 historic buildings.
  18. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    This will end up in the news this week. Some reporters are already working on the story.
  19. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    It makes one wonder if complaints about alley access was really that appellants wanted the 7th ave block for themselves so they could demolish it and build this. Hypothetically of course..
  20. JoeUrban

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    Found it
