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  1. JoeUrban

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Like why would they not call it Ricardo Ranch or Ricardo
  2. JoeUrban

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I believe they are: Interesting: Ricardo was well-known in the Okanagan area for helping to establish the fruiting industry and spearheading the development of the Grey Canal, the biggest...
  3. JoeUrban

    Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

    In 2014 Chestermere approved the "Waterbridge" ASP with plans to extend Memorial to Rainbow road, with a jog north to avoid wetlands
  4. JoeUrban

    General Construction Updates

    With many of these conversions around 7th street this might lead to 'Downtown West' expanding a block to the east. Initially I expected this program to sprinkle residential in the core but it may instead just shrink the CDB.
  5. JoeUrban

    General Construction Updates

    Wasn't sure of the best place to post but here is the July update of the Downtown Calgary Development Incentive Program (ie office to residential conversion) So far housing for 2500+ residents
  6. JoeUrban

    Infill Development Discussion

    I'm loving what's happening on 19th St. I wish there was some way to improve the south side of Kensington Rd, to improve the strip between Kensington Rd and Westmount where most properties just have ugly fences facing Kensington Rd. Some sort of multifamily with underground parking with like 6...
  7. JoeUrban

    West Nineteenth | 24m | 6s | EC Living | Casola Koppe

    With the new buildings and main floor retail I wonder if 19th St will have more commercial than Montgomery's and Bowness' main streets
  8. JoeUrban

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Very cool. Another feature I'd like added is differentiating between a property that is having a 30 story tower built on it and one where they're putting up a sign.
  9. JoeUrban

    Enzo | 27m | 6s | Arlington Street | DAAS

    Funny note, that building was built in 1930. Very curious what it used to look like.
  10. JoeUrban

    Infill Development Discussion

    Does anyone know if there are any R-CG rowhouses built in the past decade that are in the traditional form of a rowhouse, ie units face the street with normal backyards that run to the back alley? I've always been curious because it seems 100% of new RC-G rowhouses actually are being built to...
  11. JoeUrban

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    This reminds me of these units in Killarney which I really like, they aren't more massive at the front than a new sfh but a ton of density.,-114.1310422,117m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu
  12. JoeUrban

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Interesting, or is it the other 9 story building that faces 11th Ave?,-114.0806332,3a,62.2y,286.01h,111.94t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4BjDH0_D3U80YcwrYpfa8w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu Good location, although I wish Safeway would do a Co-op move and convert...
  13. JoeUrban

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    My hot take: I know there are a lot of people concerned, upset about the loss of all of the bricks, especially cases where maybe a now deceased parent or grandparent's is on some. I think a good compromise would be something like a stainless steel wall or whatever with all of the names inscribed
  14. JoeUrban

    Bridgeland Mixed Use | 22m | 6s | Westrich Pacific | S2

    I read that in Disco Stu's voice
  15. JoeUrban

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Should the rezoning go through, will there be more houses built? Is there available labour to build at a higher rate than is currently being built? Or will it be similar numbers but spread around the city a bit differently to take advantage of more profitable lots that weren't available before?
  16. JoeUrban

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Oof with inflation that's like a $20 million loss for Matco
  17. JoeUrban

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I suspect it's politics. Less pitchforks from "visioning what might be built in the future" than "Up-zoning to allow for 4 and 6 story apartment buildings"
  18. JoeUrban

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Although proposed for R-CG the draft Riley communities LAP indicates a desired max building scale of 6 stories transitioning to 4 stories as you go north on 19th, so I take that to be a a message that R-CG will be the default but higher density proposals will be looked upon favorably by council.
  19. JoeUrban

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I think UCP meddling once started will be permanent and constant, no matter the vote outcome that would be a disaster.
