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Search results

  1. Robo

    Blume | 48m | 15s | Remington | Systemic Architecture

    When these two towers are completed, along with the two Wellings towers, and the residential building at Stadium shopping cente, The northwest will be the quadrant with the most high risers outside of the core.
  2. Robo

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Calgary’s kicking ass and taking names.
  3. Robo

    The Hat Elbow River | 177.99m | 56s | Cidex Group | NORR

    Maybe after the Hat on 14th is finished, they might start in this one.
  4. Robo

    Midtown Station | ?m | ?s | IBI Group

    I'm with you on this one. A few apartment towers thrown in near the train station is fine, but it doesn't need to be 2 dozen highrises. A well thought out plan of mid and low rise buildings would be better.
  5. Robo

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    I didn't see this in earlier posts, so I apologize in advance is this was discussed earlier, but does anyone know when they are expected to break ground?
  6. Robo

    Flyover Block | 20m | 6s | RNDSQR | FAAS Architecture

    I like those Montreal apartments, they're very practical, and have a cool funkiness to them, but... To be honest the front stairwells are butt ugly, and almost always the area around them is cluttered. Is the reason they don't do them anymore an aesthetics issue? If you're planning a new...
  7. Robo

    General Construction Updates

    At least the tree planting area is open soil. They might even survive.
  8. Robo

    New Central Library | ?m | 6s | Calgary Library | Snøhetta

    At times Calgary's urban development has been frustratingly slow, but whenever I see the library I'm given hope for the future.
  9. Robo

    Block 23 - Central Park | 12m | 3s | Gibbs Gage

    What's top golf?
  10. Robo

    West Tenth 1400 | 24m | 7s | Trimount

    Could always end up looking overall decent like this one,-114.0854213,3a,90y,184.99h,102.53t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQFzEK3YYXVU0aUSZiV1O3g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  11. Robo

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    The city's incentive might be working. According to this article in the Herald, the city has seen 13 applications for conversions.
  12. Robo

    The Bridge | 52.42m | 16s | Jemm Properties | Zeidler

    That one of the reasons I've come to this site regularly for the past two years. such good photo updates from so many.
  13. Robo

    Dominion | 53m | 15s | Bucci Developments | Urban Agency

    This is such a great development. We got very lucky with this one.
  14. Robo

    Calgary Skylines

    A lot of great photos in this thread. Calgary looks good from so many different angles.
  15. Robo

    General Photos of Calgary

    Love this shot so much I made it my avatar. I don't think this bridge gets enough credit. The Peace Bridge is so amazing it's overshadowed this one.
  16. Robo

    Courtyard 33 | 21.64m | 6s | RNDSQR | 5468796 Architecture

    Longtime lurker, I finally decided to create an account so I could comment. IMO, the finished product is good in many ways. It accomplishes a few things. * it adds density to the neighborhood * it adds more retail to 33rd * it gives Marda Loop a building that stands out and isn't just another...
