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  1. Y

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Let’s close the grocery store but hey, you want liquor or cannabis, no problem, we will keep those departments open! 🤪
  2. Y

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Hmm I signed up for e-news but didn’t receive this, and I don’t have a junk filter on either! Well, glad you posted! Thank you! Good to know!
  3. Y

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I’ve never been there but the building looks cool and the history is interesting. There’s not many buildings in Calgary with “a story” (in this case ghosts/funeral parlour). Hope the building doesn’t languish long before a new business is up and running!
  4. Y

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Watching the news on GlobalTV this morning about a 6 story apartment block being proposed on the site of the former Renfrew United Church in Renfrew. As usual, there is community opposition. The community would rather see lower density such as townhouses. Perhaps a compromise can be reached...
  5. Y

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    So despite all the opposition/criticism, has the DP been approved? Although I do know that approval doesn’t necessarily mean construction will even ensue!
  6. Y

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    Oh I didn’t know this was “new”. I thought it had been announced months ago! So I was confused as to what you were referring
  7. Y

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    What/where is this one?
  8. Y

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    O I’m i still don’t understand where the new access will be. I even tried to Google the park’s location on Google maps and it doesn’t clearly show it.I’m a techno idiot though (I don’t even know how to post pictures on here).
  9. Y

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    It really baffles me when people and community associations say there wasn’t enough/any communication. It just so happened this time the communication mostly happened virtually during the pandemic and if the people couldn’t bother to join in the conversation, that’s on them. Also, it appears...
  10. Y

    Calgary Transit

    I guess something has to give if they want to increase frequency. Are there enough train sets to accomplish this? If good coverage is the trade off here, I wonder if an on demand service in the suburbs with virtual stops (like in Airdrie) might help alleviate some of the concerns with getting to...
  11. Y

    Eau Claire Market Redevelopment | 135.02m | 35s | Harvard Developments

    The bridge will definitely destroy the beautiful view. It’s really a shame that there isn’t an alternative.
  12. Y

    Crescent Road Master Plan | ?m | ?s | City of Calgary

    I am a caregiver for an older person who has long COVID. On occasion he likes to get takeaway and sit on Crescent Road to enjoy the view whilst he eats. He lives in Airdrie. I try to drive him as close as possible to where he wants to sit as he can’t walk far without having respiratory issues...
  13. Y

    Eau Claire Market Redevelopment | 135.02m | 35s | Harvard Developments

    Why not keep the Market as a retail podium and build residential/hotel/gym (to replace the Y) right on top of it?
  14. Y

    Eau Claire Market Redevelopment | 135.02m | 35s | Harvard Developments

    I just realized that the last couple of pages are transit/Green Line related and this thread is for the Eau Claire redevelopment. The discussion lately has been less about the Green Line at Eau Claire and more about the Green Line in general. Perhaps an admin could move the affected posts to the...
  15. Y

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    The Red and Blue lines are successful in part because the routes have destinations to which people want to travel, whether it be work, home, or entertainment. The Green Line’s first phase may seem like a waste of money, because frankly I don’t think Shepard is a hugely popular destination. But...
  16. Y

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    I rarely venture into the CBD, so I’m wondering how well it’s returning to pre pandemic life. Are lots of people coming back to work downtown? Are the office buildings coming back to life, along with the retail and eateries? Is there demand for additional office/retail/residential space? Only...
  17. Y

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Looks like the lawsuit has been resolved in favour of Remington, but what lands do they actually still own there and is the development dead or can some form go ahead on the lands they still own...
  18. Y

    Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    She has appointed Ric McIvor as the Event Centre Liaison, but isn’t that the same guy who stepped in and stopped the Green Line planning for months “to do a fulsome review” and ended up changing it quite a bit? Wonder what he will do when things get moving again on this project! His...
  19. Y

    Stephen Avenue Quarter | 241m | 66s | Triovest | Gibbs Gage

    Thanks for clarifying! I guess I should get up to speed on other cities’ developments too!
