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Search results

  1. Y

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    How would you propose vehicle traffic be diverted away from the Centre Street bridge if it becomes a transit only bridge? Why terminate particularly at Chinatown? Why not at the 7th avenue transit corridor (to make easier connections to existing Blue and Red lines) or Calgary Tower?
  2. Y

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    So there could be some trade offs to get this thing back on budget and operational. Is it worth it to ditch some or all of the tunnel in favour of track elevation to get the line from Eau Claire (versus the event centre) all the way to the South Health Campus (versus Shepard) as envisioned? I...
  3. Y

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    The Smith government has indicated that no more money from provincial coffers will be used for the Green Line, including cost overruns. So she indicated that changes to the scope may need to be made. But didn’t the province make their funding commitment years ago on the condition that the plan...
  4. Y

    Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

    So no connection to/from Stoney Trail with the Memorial Drive extension? Is this intentional or a missed opportunity?
  5. Y

    Calgary International Airport

    I heard a rumour that PVR airport authority prefers WS’s 737 service over the 787 service due to the fact that PVR doesn’t have bridges to fit the 787 and therefore requires guests to board/deplane via stairs and use busses to transport the guests between the terminal and the plane.. So more...
  6. Y

    Calgary International Airport

    I was thinking from YYC (not served) more than from YVR (served well).
  7. Y

    Calgary International Airport

    If they did add additional 787s wouldn’t there be potential opportunities in the winter to places like Australia/New Zealand/Fiji etc?
  8. Y

    Calgary International Airport

    I didn’t know that Athens had even been considered!
  9. Y

    Calgary International Airport

    Congratulations on the job! Maybe you will be one of my pilots one day!
  10. Y

    Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

    Apparently there are now cameras installed at the former bus traps so if you attempt to pass through it and you aren’t a bus or an emergency vehicle, you may be mailed a ticket.
  11. Y

    Eau Claire Market Redevelopment | 135.02m | 35s | Harvard Developments

    Is it just me or does development move painfully slow in Calgary, seemingly slower than even in Toronto, where it’s a snail’s pace! There should be some sort of law where prime developments lots such as this one in Eau Claire, where a plan is in place, cannot languish vacant/undeveloped for...
  12. Y

    Calgary International Airport

    Maybe getting a sponsor much like how sports venues are sponsored could be a great way to inject some much needed investment into the facility, but maybe not necessarily the whole airport, perhaps just a concourse or area of the terminal (eg: Cenovus Concourse C or Telus Food Court)….just a...
  13. Y

    Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

    What is an RRFB?
  14. Y

    Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

    Looks like quite a few property impacts. Hopefully those property owners will understand the ultimate goal and not put up too much of a fuss.
  15. Y

    Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

    I’d considered it, but I was following my brother in his vehicle ahead.
  16. Y

    Roads, Highways & Infrastructure

    For the very first time in my 20+ years living in the greater Calgary area, I today accessed eastbound McKnight Blvd from 48 Ave NW. Wow! Dangerous! And difficult! Something needs to be done with that intersection! Maybe a traffic circle?
  17. Y

    Calgary International Airport

    I hope a flight to Sydney NS will make a reappearance in the near future.
  18. Y

    Calgary International Airport

    You still could have gone through domestic security and taken the mini tram from there to D.
