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  1. ferreth

    General Construction Updates

    Thanks to the rain, I actually had enough time today to catch up my photos and post my Thursday walkabout through Meadows Mile. It's difficult to get there some days as the professional building cement pour is right at the entrance to Blackfoot Point - some days it looks like you can't walk down...
  2. ferreth

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    /\ Looks like the building has been shaved off at angle from this POV. Mine, shot east down 7th Ave on Monday last week: Telus Construction from 7th IMG_2349 by ferreth, on Flickr
  3. ferreth

    General Construction Updates

    Just at home while on layoff due to a slow spring start for our oil well site remediation program. I didn't even get out as much as I'd like owing to a wicked cold that took me out for a long time. If things don't get super busy next week, I'll photo-walk the Meadows Mile strip, which is just...
  4. ferreth

    General Construction Updates

    Back at work after 3 weeks, just in time to snap some pictures yesterday of a crane going up for the professional center construction at Meadows Mile: IMG_2320_Crane Setup by ferreth, on Flickr IMG_2323_Prof Construction by ferreth, on Flickr The little retail to the north looks nice now...
  5. ferreth

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    I ran the math on the quoted cost per km in the above pdf $29 Million/km * 300km (City central to central operation) - 8.7 Billion. Yeah, the costs right now are very much not nailed down. Plus, this is just infrastructure cost, never mind land, more difficult terrain costs. The actual tube...
  6. ferreth

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    30 minute Hyperloop service being pushed with a proposal for a 6km test track on the east city TUC: Should they get to the point of actually building a test track, then I'll...
  7. ferreth

    Calgary Transit

    I suggest anyone interested or having a stake in Calgary Bus service look at the current city efforts to solicit feedback on proposed bus route changes at: The changes are the largest I can remember, including things you may not have thought would change...
  8. ferreth

    General Construction Updates Scroll down for the Baines Bridge improvements. Biggest benefactor will be connecting Bridgeland and Inglewood via the zoo both ways, rather than just to the north right now. Bridge will have wider...
  9. ferreth

    General Construction Updates

    On the other end of the retail scale, the little strip mall being built @ Blackfoot and Heritage, I just noticed will have no parking out front - all on the side and back. Partly owing to the weird land shape, but it will make for a nicer esthetic me thinks. The final finishes are higher end...
  10. ferreth

    General Construction Updates

    Got out of a bit of an extended walk Friday, took some pictures of the progress at Meadows Mile. Progress is moving slow on most projects, except the retail strip. Here is a shot from November 15th showing the Holiday Inn behind it: Retail and Holiday Inn IMG_2269 by ferreth, on Flickr The...
  11. ferreth

    General Construction Updates

    Wow, they really moved along on that zoo bridge, looks like the road part could open at any time now. I could've really used it last week with all the traffic snarls.
  12. ferreth

    Calgary Transit

    One pano for you this time before the snow flew last week - you can get an overall view of what's going on between the Bow River and the irrigation Canal in this 3 - shot pano. I'll be back in the spring to see how things are progressing. BRT Construction Deerfoot pano i2264-2266_edited-1 by...
  13. ferreth

    General Construction Updates

    I've just past 2 years working from Blackfoot Point. That hotel started construction shortly after I started working down there. The Porsche dealer started construction around the spring of '16 and has been open for a year now.
  14. ferreth

    General Construction Updates

    One picture of the sloth contracted Holiday Inn construction. The last of the cladding is going up and is looking to be (wait for it) grey! They planted dead trees and have been paving more since this was taken - I'm guessing they are looking to open to take advantage of the XMas party season...
  15. ferreth

    Calgary Transit

    Some project updates, mostly S.E. BRT From above the canoe club - if you were looking at my previous posting, the same pile of dirt is what I'm standing behind now: BRT Construction Top of Hill DT view IMG_2253 by ferreth, on Flickr The irrigation canal. Looks like they will be digging across...
  16. ferreth

    Calgary Transit

    SE BRT construction at the irrigation canal continues. Sept 18th closure of pathways is now 1/2 closed (the east side) as they are now digging where the path was. Since the west side still is not closed, I cycled that way and got some pics on Tuesday. View west - Dug up, now filled in: BRT...
  17. ferreth

    Calgary Municipal Politics

    CBC has a nice summary of "Wards to watch in this Calgary election": City Hall may get a shake up not with a new Mayor, but with a lot of new councilors.
  18. ferreth

    Calgary Municipal Politics

    I found The Herald (limited free page reading warning) has done a pretty good bit of interviewing on the candidates for various wards: It was helpful to see how for my ward 10, some candidates were so abysmally poor at answering the question "You...
  19. ferreth

    Calgary Municipal Politics

    COC Mayoral candidate debate from Monday Oct 2nd: I watch this and was surprised that Chabot seemed to be most pro "Flames at any cost" candidate, in fact that was the only time he really showed any passion in the...
  20. ferreth

    Calgary Municipal Politics

    Nenshi all the way for my vote. Chabot has not impressed historically as Alderman for my riding. Bill Smith wants to lower taxes and cut spending - fine - what are you going to cut? Specific policy (paraphrased by me below) on his web site: - Streamline regulations shorten time for development...
