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  1. jhappy77

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Exactly. Upgrading that stretch of Crowchild according to the current plans is $2 Billion+, which is more or less the same cost as the Green Line's north segment. In my opinion that's an easy choice to make. I don't agree with this, because tunneling objectively helps transit too. As @darwink...
  2. jhappy77

    Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    The "catchment areas" in the map you posted seem to represent an approximation of all the area whose bus service will be primarily organized around feeding the green line - not walking distance. The green line is ridiculously expensive but in my mind there's no question that it's necessary...
  3. jhappy77

    Calgary's Downtown Dilemma

    That part of Stephen Avenue definitely needs some love, so I'm glad to see that!
  4. jhappy77

    Calgary Municipal Politics

    Saw this comment about recall elections from Jeff Davison on LinkedIn the other day. Curious what you all think of it. Do you think there...
  5. jhappy77

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I also don't like the argument that "the market trends show X, therefore we must do X". The entire purpose of a government is to plan things out smartly so that we don't end up making bad decisions. Let's remember why we want inner city growth in the first place - our city's own estimates show...
  6. jhappy77

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I am generally in favor of building new greenfield developments - affordable housing is one of Calgary's key advantages after all - but there's still a lot wrong with the way Calgary does suburban greenfield. Have you tried riding transit in the furthest suburbs? It sucks, and even though in...
  7. jhappy77

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    Eliminating the need for a recurring provincial subsidy is a huge win. The AB government and Parks Canada should be all over this now! EDIT: Misunderstood the article, which calls for a reduced subsidy conditional on profitability instead of eliminating the subsidy. I still think there's...
  8. jhappy77

    Calgary's Downtown Dilemma

    Ya I suppose I should clarify that my skepticism is more geared towards the larger scale stuff you see in renders, like this: Smaller scale hydroponics like you mentioned are more realistic, and if the economics work then all the best to any groups that do this. But I don't think it's likely to...
  9. jhappy77

    Calgary's Downtown Dilemma

    I really don't see much value in vertical farms. They're an interesting gimmick but not really a serious solution to any problem. Dedicating our best real estate and most valuable square footage in the city to a low value producing use like farming just isn't economically feasible, at least in...
  10. jhappy77

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I could see that whole Burnsland/Barley Belt area becoming a major urban reclamation project in, say, 20-30 years. It's already got lots of neat restaurants and breweries. When downtown is more built up, I could imagine some highrises being built there especially if the city ran some main street...
  11. jhappy77

    Weather and Gardening Discussion

    Or in the early spring.. Sulphur City :P
  12. jhappy77

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Just curious - does anyone have any good articles on why Calgary stopped expanding westwards and instead decided to go for the deep south and far north? I've heard there were troubles with Rocky View County, but I don't know any of the history and to what it extent it was the county itself...
  13. jhappy77

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    Of course, we included bollards and a parking lane - but we made sure to include the bike lanes on the other side of them both. Come on City of Calgary, this really shouldn't be hard.. :rolleyes:
  14. jhappy77

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    It's time for another episode of "I share an idea that will never happen but totally should"! Let's pay TLOU to keep most of this set up after they're done filming.. and call it "Apocalypse Park"! Would unironically be a really neat place to visit, for both tourists and locals. Rearrange...
  15. jhappy77

    Calgary Transit Fantasy Maps

    Hey all, I've refined some of the ideas that I posted here previously (updated maps are here). Along with the report that I made and the operating time analysis which shows how this network redesign could be possible using the existing operating budget, I am ready to make a big advocacy push to...
  16. jhappy77

    Calgary Transit

    I have heard from a reliable source that an updated version of RouteAhead is in the works, so hopefully that contains some forward thinking about our network design and serious attempts at boosting ridership.
  17. jhappy77

    Calgary Transit Fantasy Maps

    The idea here is that despite not being an immediate priority, we could plan ahead (both in terms of land use and regional rail infrastructure) to make this a possibility in 30 years or whenever the time comes. As @lemongrab mentioned, less frequent service that uses the regional rail track...
  18. jhappy77

    Calgary Transit Fantasy Maps

    I've been thinking a lot about the proposed regional rail line to Banff. Given that current plans call for a stop in the Keith valley area, I think it makes sense to target this area (which is super sparse despite having a great location) for a massive TOD - it could be a new high density...
  19. jhappy77

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    It's less desirable right now, but in the future I can see it becoming the most desirable area. Let's imagine we get a rail station at the pre-acquired plot. Now let's say there's a pedestrian tunnel underneath the station; this makes a lot of sense to give it access to the event center and the...
  20. jhappy77

    Water-cooler discussion thread

    Does anyone know how I could find statistics on what percentage of Calgary jobs are based in each neighborhood? I'm specifically looking to find the percentage of jobs based in downtown versus elsewhere.
