Bow33 | 22m | 6s | Truman | NORR

So crazy to see all of this density go up across from the empty field. I hope the city can divide the field up into smaller parcels and take another shot at selling them. I'd far rather see a small cluster of independent developed builds than I would one large cluster of buildings that look the same. also the breakup into smaller cluster makes for smaller less costly projects and creates opportunity for a lot more developers.
So crazy to see all of this density go up across from the empty field. I hope the city can divide the field up into smaller parcels and take another shot at selling them. I'd far rather see a small cluster of independent developed builds than I would one large cluster of buildings that look the same. also the breakup into smaller cluster makes for smaller less costly projects and creates opportunity for a lot more developers.
I hope Westbrook stays low rise and high density. Maybe one high rise at the NE corner? Westbrook can be an anchor for West 17th, it has a lot of what other parcels like Currie, University District, and Trinity Hills would kill for, most prominently a underground light-rail station.
I would like to see Westbrook end up a low rise district, like a mini version U/D. Throw in a couple of taller buildings, maybe a 16 floors and a 12 floor tower to give it a urban vibe. The station entrance could be integrated into a mixed use retail complex.

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I would like to see Westbrook end up a low rise district, like a mini version U/D. Throw in a couple of taller buildings, maybe a 16 floors and a 12 floor tower to give it a urban vibe. The station entrance could be integrated into a mixed use retail complex.

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Must be limited on what can go above the LRT line?
I would think they took that into account when designing the LRT tunnel there. Just don't bear directly on the tunnel and buildings should be good.
The comment might be referring to the fantasy map above, which is good for scale, but would not be possible to build exactly as shown due to the relatively shallow tunnel.
The development around Westbrook wouldn't be right over the tunnel itself per se, but around it if needed. I imagine a certain amount could be built over right top, like we've seen with the library, but of course, it would all come down to engineering.
