Lotus Condominiums | 58m | 18s | Knightsbridge

Are we talking about the larger, Hon Towers one? The recently went back to Council for a DC bylaw (specific set of zoning rules for that parcel) to better accommodate the design that had been previously proposed. I think (but am not 100% sure if my memory is correct) that design lost at the SDAB, as there were too many relaxations from the normal bylaw rules. Getting the DC will hopefully remedy most of those. I anticipate (but again, just my speculation) we will see that same design, with perhaps a few minor tweaks, brought back.

Although, now that Terry Wong is the ward councillor, I am not sure if that will throw a wrench into things.
Bummer I thought there some news on this. As far as anyone here in the forum knows, there has been no update unfortunately.
