The Calgary Planning Commission (CPC) is considering a land use amendment this week that seeks to redesignate the site of an auto service shop at the southwest corner of 29 Avenue SW and 14 Street SW. Currently, the majority of the property falls under a commercial land use category, with a small portion of it designated as residential. The proposed redesignation will bring the whole site under C-COR2 and permit the development of a four-storey building.
Certus Developments Inc. and McKinley Burkart, the applicants for the project at 3001 14th Street, introduced their proposal to the Planning and Development Committee of the Marda Loop Communities Association in March. A month later, a community open house was held to solicit feedback. Comments received from the community association mainly focused on a perceived lack of landscaping and the 73-stall parking deficiency proposed in the development permit, which the CPC report says could be addressed by providing additional on-site parking or proposing "less parking-intensive uses to occupy the building." A parking study prepared by Bunt and Associates was later presented to the MLCA, which considered the parking supply "sufficient based on the land uses proposed."
The development would contain retail use on the ground floor — a brokerage website outlines the square footage of a restaurant and pharmacy — with fitness and medical provided on the second and third levels. The fourth storey, set to be occupied by offices, would be set back from the floors below.
The existing site is locally known for the green-painted VW Spider sculpture at the front entrance, a quirky neighbourhood icon that will be retained and relocated to another site to the north owned by Certus Developments.
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